Browse Items (2 total)
- Tags: The Godfather
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Fall 2022
Tags: Al Pacino, Alina Celeste, Amanda Vicary, Among Us, and a Woman's Search for Justice in Indian Country, Betty White, Big Fish, Cat Sebastian, Chaya Milchtein, Chernobyl, Clark and Division, Cristina Bueno, David Dixon's Day as a Dachshund, Deerfield Family Theatre, Deerfield Farmers Market, Deerfield Golf Club, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Baby Book Bunch, Deerfield Public Library Baby Garden, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Community Survey, Deerfield Public Library Maker Space, Deerfield Public Library Public Library Access and Community for Everyone (PLACE), Deerfield Public Library Roots and Shoots Club, Deerfield Public Library Strategic Planning, Deerfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Deerfield Public Library Youth Advisory Board, Dia de los Muertos, Dungeons and Dragons, Emily Wallace, Eric Pidluski, Faye Faraway, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Google Suite, Helen Fisher, Hispanic Heritage Month, Howard Handler, Illinois Wesleyan University, Jackbox Games, Jackie Guagliardo, James Caan, Jane Goodall Institute, Jewett Park, Joan Didion, Kahoot, Karla Alba, Ken Abosch, Kyle Stone, Lisa Frank, Luisa Ellenbogen, Maizy Chen's Last Chance, Malibu Rising, MarioKart, Mechanic Shop Femme Inc., Medicare Solutions Network, Mi Amigo Hamlet, Michigan Avenue, Microsoft Word, Mike Goldberg, Murder, Naomi Hirahara, Natasha Lehrer Lewis, Nathan Harris, PSAT Practice Test, Rez Dogs, Robert Duvall, Robin Dawson, Ron Swidler, Sara Sitzer, SAT Practice Test, Seth Schriftman, Sierra Crane Murdoch, Sugar Skulls Xilotl, Talk Like a Pirate Day, Taylor Jenkins Reid, The Godfather, The Queer Principles of Kit Webb, The Sweetness of Water, TikTok, Trapper Keeper, Vicki Karlovsky, Yellow Bird: Oil, Yoga, Zines, Zoom
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Winter 2014
Tags: Academy Awards, Adele, Adriatic Sea, Alex Lieberman, Alice Roth, Alzheimer Disease, Amalfi Coast, AMC Movie Theaters, American Booksellers Association, American College Test (ACT),, Andrew Dembitz, Android Phones, Apple, Arabic, Australia, Babs Benton, Banjo Buddies, Bannockburn Illinois, Barbara Gore, Barbara Reich, Bavaria, Betsy McLoughlin, Biaggi's, Big Brother, Blu-Ray Format, Board Games, Bob Benton, Bob Gottlieb, Brian Davison, Brian Schurgin, Bry Roemer, Burial Rites, Capri, Carol Hannah, Carol Kraines, Charles Levi, Cheryl Simon, Chinese, Christine Cowan, Citizens Utility Board (CUB), Cloud Computing, Dan Mazur, Dave Grimm, Dave Roemer, Dave Rudolf, David Gass, David Hirsch, David Scholl, Deerfield Elections, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Chamber Orchestra, Deerfield High School Finals Week, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Apps, Deerfield Public Library Blind Date with a Book, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Book Drop Boxes, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Computers, Deerfield Public Library Contests, Deerfield Public Library Donations, Deerfield Public Library Early Childhood Literacy Stations, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library Homeschooling Services, Deerfield Public Library Meeting Rooms, Deerfield Public Library Memorial Wall, Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library One-on-One Training Sessions, Deerfield Public Library Online Resources, Deerfield Public Library Preschool and Early Childhood Fair, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Special Needs Programming, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Taxes, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Winter Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield Village Hall, Diane Mazur, Donna Abosch, Dorothy Collins, Ed Collins, Ed Rothschild, Elaine Haney, Eleanor and Park, Ellen G. Wolf, Elyse Weiss, Emmy Rothschild, English, English as a Second Language (ESL), Europe, Facebook, Fern Gauer, Foreign Policy Association, Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions Program, Frank Haney, Freegal, Freegal Music, French, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Board, Garry Katz, Gene Reich, Genealogy, German, Glynis Hirsch, Goodfellas, Google Play, Google Slides, Google Suite, Google+, Grammys, Great American Songbook, Greta Davison, Hanna Kent, Harvey Herman, Hebrew, Herbert M. Berman, Heritage Quest Online, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Iceland, iMac, Income Tax Forms, India, Indies Choice Young Adult Book of the Year, Interior Decorator, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Internet Safety, Inuit Art, iPad, iPhone, Italian, iTunes, James E. Hill, Jan Zobus, Jane Seiden, Japanese, Japanese American, Japanese American Internment, Jazz Pianist, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jeopardy, Jhumpa Lahiri, Joann Carbine, John Roth, John Zobus, Kary Henry, Kate Easley, Kathy Johnson, Katie Sullivan, Ken Gore, Kenan Abosch, Kyle Nakazawa, Lake County Clerk, Larry Kane, Larry Sullivan, Laura Kempf, Lee Rivlin, Leslie Brookfield, LinkedIn, Lionel Shriver, Lisa Schurgin, Little Pim, Lois Nagy, Luisa Ellenbogen, Lynn Pivan, Lynn Samuels, M.J. Turner Jr., Marilyn Scholl, Mark Nagy, Marla Bark Dembitz, Marla Peckler, Marley S. Korn, Mary Oppenheim, Mary Pergander, Maxine Kane, Michael K. Goldberg, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mindy McGinnis, Minecraft, Mrs. Teddye Felix, Munich Germany, Muppets from Space, Nabi Tablets, Napoli, Neil Samuels, New York City New York, Nina Varma Michael, North America, North Shore K-9 Reading Buddies, Not a Drop to Drink, Overdrive, Panera Bread, Pearl Harbor Oahu Hawaii, Peter Fitzgerald, Petra van Nuis, Pharrell Williams, Pinterest, Prezi, Professor Moptop, Rainbow Rowell, Ralph Danielson, Real Urban Barbeque, Rhody Hausauer, Rich Kraines, Richard Oppenheim, Rick Kempf, Rob Cowan, Rock and Roll, Ronald Simon, Rosemary Sazonoff Writing Contest, Rothenburg Germany, Russian, Ruth R. Wenke, Sandra Levi, Sarah Okner, Sarah Vaughan, Scarface, Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), Science Alliance, SCORE Chicago, Searchable PDF, Seth Schriftman, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Shari Herman, Sharon Gonsky, Shirley Fitzgerald, Siri, Small Businesses, Social Media, Sony Music Entertainment, Southern Italy, Spanish, Streaming, Subhash Mitra, Sue Gottlieb, Sue Jacobs, Susan Cramer, Susan Dvora, Susan Fried, Susan Karp, Susan Schloss, Tamara Katz, The Beatles, The Godfather, The Lowland, Thomas Jester, Toys for Tots, Trax Tavern and Grill, Twitter, Udayan Mitra, United Kingdom, United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots, United States of America, Whole Foods, WiFi, William S. Seiden, Windows 8.1, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, WXRT Breakfast with the Beatles, Zentangle, Zinio Digital Magazines