Browse Items (18 total)
- Tags: Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Summer 2016
Tags: A Fall of Marigolds, A Ruff Road Home, Air Classic Inc. Museum of Aviation, Amazon Kindle eReaders, Amy Falasz-Peterson,, Apple, Apple TV, Bari Kaplan, Book Clubs, Boy Scouts of America, Bronzeville Children's Museum, Brookfield Zoo, Calligraphy, Cantigny Park, Carcassonne, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Certified Yoga Instructor, Chair Yoga, Chicago Bears, Chicago Blackhawks Hockey Team, Chicago Botanic Gardens, Chicago Bulls Basketball Team, Chicago Illinois, Chicago Tribune, Chris Fascione, Clara Woods, College of Lake County, Concussion Legacy Foundation, Court Case Dogs, Cynthia Bathurst, Dark Side of the Moon, Deerfield Farmers Market, Deerfield Fine Arts Commission, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Finals Week, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Apps, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Buddies, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Contests, Deerfield Public Library Electronic Book Collection, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library eTutor, Deerfield Public Library Meeting Rooms, Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library Online Resources, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Study Rooms, Deerfield Public Library Summer Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield Public Library YouTube Channel, Deerfield School District #113, Deerfield School District #113 Community Education Book Club for Advanced ESL Students, Diane Chamberlain, Dylan Callistein, eBay, Elgin History Museum, Elgin Public Museum, Emmy Awards, FaceTime, Far Far Away, Field of Dreams, Freegal Music, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Gale Courses, Girl Scouts of America, GoodReads, Google Tools, Homeowner Associations, Hoopla, Hoosiers, Howard Handler, Hulu, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Illinois Railway Museum, iPad, iPhone, Jean Reuther, Jewett Park, Jonathan Odell, K.C. Johnson, Kenan Abosch, Lake County Astronomical Society, Lake County Astronomy Under the City Lights Program, Lake County Discovery Museum, Laura Knecht, Legoland Discovery Center, Lisa MacPherson, Lizzardo Museum of Lapidary Art, Maureen Wener, Meditation, Michael K. Goldberg, Michael Ribet, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Miss Hazel and the Rosa Parks League, Mitchell Museum of the American Indian, Monopoly, Morningstar Mutual Funds, Museum Adventure Pass, Music Apps, Naper Settlement, Netflix, Nook eReader, Olga Rudiak, Olympics, Oriental Institute Museum, Overdrive, Pandemic, Paula Hawkins, PGG Cosmic Bowling, PGG Cosmic GaGa Ball, PGG Four Square, Pink Floyd, Pinterest, Pleasant Home Foundation, Riley MacPherson, Risk, Robert Guzek, Roku, Ronald Simon, Ruth Ann Grant, Safe Humane Chicago, Searchable PDF, Seth Schriftman, Settlers of Catan, Skype, Slap Shot, Social Media, Social Media Apps, Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO), St. Charles Heritage Museum, Storytelling World Award, Susan Meissner, Susan Russell, Taryn Michaels, The Children's Museum in Oak Lawn, The Girl on the Train, The Playground Games, The Silent Sister, Tim Bleck, Tom McNeal, Travel Apps, Trax Tavern and Grill, Value Line, Video Chatting, Video Game Design, Vudu, WERQ, West Deerfield Township Food Pantry, Windows 10, Zinghoppers, Zumba
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Winter 2015
Tags: Aboriginal Australians, Academy Awards, Adler Planetarium, Alex Liberman, Alice Roth, AMC Movie Theaters, Amy Falasz-Peterson,, Android, Anna Quindlen, Arthur I. Cyr, Arvey Stone, Ashley Schriftman, Australia, Babs Benton, Bannockburn Illinois, Barbara Reich, Barry Clark, Battle of the Bulge, Bob Benton, Bob Gottlieb, Brian Davison, Brothers Grimm, Carcassone, Carol Klein-Alexander, Carol Kraines, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), Charles Levi, Cherie Priest, Cheryl Simon, Christine Thornton, Claire Steiner, Cloud Computing, Curiosity Rover, Dan Mazur, Dave Grimm, David Hirsch, Deb Krosnick, Deerfield Fine Arts Commission, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Chamber Orchestra, Deerfield High School Finals Week, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Blind Date with a Book, Deerfield Public Library Board Games, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Contests, Deerfield Public Library Donations, Deerfield Public Library Electronic Book Collection, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library Gifts, Deerfield Public Library Homeschooling Services, Deerfield Public Library Instagram, Deerfield Public Library Kids in Deerfield Love Science (KiDLS), Deerfield Public Library Manga and Anime Club, Deerfield Public Library Meeting Rooms, Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library Online Resources, Deerfield Public Library Patron Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Preschool and Early Childhood Fair, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Special Needs Programming, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Tournament of Books, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Winter Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield Winter Celebration, Diane Mazur, Disney World, Doe Daniels, Donna Abosch, Dorothy Collins, East Africa, Ed Collins, Ed Rothschild, Elaine Haney, Ellen G. Wolf, Elyse Wagner, Emmy Rothschild, Exile on Main Street, Facebook, FastPass+, Fern Grauer, First Midwest Bank, Folger Shakespeare Library, Foreign Policy Association, Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions Program, Frank Haney, Frankie Rowley, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Facebook, Gale Virtual Reference Library, Galesburg Public Library, Gary Katz, Gene Luen Yang, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, George W. Zuurbier, Germany, Get Organized Month, Glynis Hirsch, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Office, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Suite, Grammys, Greta Davison, Hamlet, Hebrew Infant Home, Holistic Nutritionist, Home Organization, Hoosier Mama Book of Pie, Hoosier Mama Pie Company, Howard Handler, Hubble Telescope, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), I Am Princess X, Illinois Libraries, Illinois Library Association, Illinois State Library, Improv Playhouse Theater, Instagram, iPad, iPhone, James Webb Space Telescope, Jan Zobus, Jane Seiden, Jean Reuther, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jenna Goodall Friebel, Joann Carbine, John F. Manierre, John F. McManus, John Roth, John Zobus, Judy Geuder, Karen Dessent, Karen Silveira, Kary Henry, Kathy Johnson, Katie Sullivan, Kenan Abosch, Kim van Alkemade, Kyle Nakazawa, Lake County Discovery Museum, Lake Forest College, Lake Forest College English Department, Larry Kane, Larry Sullivan, Laura Kempf, Lee Rivlin, Leslie Brookfield, Linda Allen, LinkedIn, Linkin Consortium, Lorraine Clark, Louis Stone, Lynn Gooding, Lynn Pivan, Lynne Samuels, M.J. Turner Jr., Macs, Marilyn Monroe, Marilyn Reinish, Marla Peckler, Mars, Mary Oppenheim, Mary Pergander, Maureen Wener, Maxine Kane, Michael K. Goldberg, Michelle Nichols, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Publisher, Microsoft Word, Mildred Solomon, Minecraft, Molly Hummel, Mrs. John F. McManus, Nancy Bialek, National Pie Day, Neil Samuels, New Hampshire, Nina Varma Michael, Noreen Trotsky, North Central O-Gaugers Model Railroad Club, North Shore K-9 Reading Buddies, Orphan #8, Panera Bread, Patrick Dessent, Paul Bialek, Paula Haney, Peter Fitzgerald, Phil Hummel, Physics, Rachel Rabinowitz, Rich Kraines, Richard Mallette, Richard Oppenheim, Rick Kempf, Rita Lubeck, Robert Mueller, Robert Reinish, Rolling Stones, Ronald Simon, Rumpelstiltskin, Ruth C. Zuurbier, Sandra Levi, Searchable PDF, Secret Coders, Seth Schriftman, Settlers of Catan, Shakespeare First Folio, Shari Herman, Sheryl Lamoureux, Shirley Fitzgerald, Smoothie Secrets Revealed: A Guide to Enhance Your Health, Social Media, Some Like It Hot, Southern France, Stanley Academy, Still Life With Bread Crumbs, Sue Gottlieb, Sue Miller, Susan Cramer, Susan Fried, Susan Karp, Susan Schloss, Tamara Katz, Ted Gray, The Seven Year Itch, The Arsonist, The Martian, Thomas Jester, Thomas the Tank Engine, Toys for Tots, Trax Tavern and Grill, United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots, United States of America, Wauconda Illinois, Whole Foods, Whole Foods One Dime at a Time Program, WiFi, William S. Seiden, William Shakespeare, Wordpress, World War II
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Summer 2015
Tags: Adobe Lightroom, Allan Zellinger, Alzheimer's Association, Anna Quindlen, Bannockburn Illinois, Belly Dancing, Biaggi's, Bob Schwartz, Chicago, Chicago Music Awards, Chris Banarjee, Chris Sykora, Christine Thornton, Cloud Computing, College Applications, Dana Dworkin, Dave Rudolf, David Clark, Deerfield Farmers Market, Deerfield High School, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Programs eNewsletter, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Buddies, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Circulation, Deerfield Public Library Contests, Deerfield Public Library Discovery Play Tables, Deerfield Public Library Donations, Deerfield Public Library eNewsletter, Deerfield Public Library Kids in Deerfield Love Science (KiDLS), Deerfield Public Library Library News eNewsletter, Deerfield Public Library Local Author Fair, Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Special Needs Programming, Deerfield Public Library Staff, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Summer Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Youth Programs eNewsletter, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Drummers, Essential Oil Educator, Essential Oils, Every Last One, Fever, Financial Aid Information, Finding Your Chicago Ancestors, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Board, Gardening, Genealogy, Gertrude Pollitti, Grace Dumelle, Greg Herriges, Harry Belafonte, Howard Handler, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Institute for Therapy through the Arts, iPad, iPhone, Ivan Levi, Jakob Flessner, Jean Reuther, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jenna Goodall Friebel, Jerry Witkovsky, Jimmy Buffet, John Batdorff, John Phipps, Josh Stanaszek, Judith Matz, Karen L. Kaplan, Kate Atkinson, Kenan Abosch, Lake Michigan, Lauren Tonner, LEGO, Life After Life, Lisa Barr, Luisa Ellenbogen, Marla Bark Dembitz, Mary Beth Keane, Mary Beth Latham, Mary Pergander, Master Certified Healing Foods Specialist, Matt Mansfield, Maureen Wener, Michael K. Goldberg, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft Word, Minecraft, Mitchell Karbin, Nina Varma Michael, Panera Bread, Pete the Cat, Potts and Pans Steelband, Rae Olin Luskin, Raina Telgemeier, Ralph Covert, Roller Girl, Ronald Simon, Route 66, Ruth Ann Grant, Santa Monica California, Sarah Maas, Searchable PDF, Seth Schriftman, Singin' in the Rain, Staci Prince, Steve Jackson, Streaming, Street Photography, Sue Monk Kidd, The Invention of Wings, The Sound of Music, Throne of Glass, Travel Apps, Travel Photography, Trax Tavern and Grill, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners, Ursula Todd, Victoria Jamieson, Vlogging, Whole Foods, WiFi, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Yoga
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Winter 2014
Tags: Academy Awards, Adele, Adriatic Sea, Alex Lieberman, Alice Roth, Alzheimer Disease, Amalfi Coast, AMC Movie Theaters, American Booksellers Association, American College Test (ACT),, Andrew Dembitz, Android Phones, Apple, Arabic, Australia, Babs Benton, Banjo Buddies, Bannockburn Illinois, Barbara Gore, Barbara Reich, Bavaria, Betsy McLoughlin, Biaggi's, Big Brother, Blu-Ray Format, Board Games, Bob Benton, Bob Gottlieb, Brian Davison, Brian Schurgin, Bry Roemer, Burial Rites, Capri, Carol Hannah, Carol Kraines, Charles Levi, Cheryl Simon, Chinese, Christine Cowan, Citizens Utility Board (CUB), Cloud Computing, Dan Mazur, Dave Grimm, Dave Roemer, Dave Rudolf, David Gass, David Hirsch, David Scholl, Deerfield Elections, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Chamber Orchestra, Deerfield High School Finals Week, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Apps, Deerfield Public Library Blind Date with a Book, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Book Drop Boxes, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Computers, Deerfield Public Library Contests, Deerfield Public Library Donations, Deerfield Public Library Early Childhood Literacy Stations, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library Homeschooling Services, Deerfield Public Library Meeting Rooms, Deerfield Public Library Memorial Wall, Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library One-on-One Training Sessions, Deerfield Public Library Online Resources, Deerfield Public Library Preschool and Early Childhood Fair, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Special Needs Programming, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Taxes, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Winter Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield Village Hall, Diane Mazur, Donna Abosch, Dorothy Collins, Ed Collins, Ed Rothschild, Elaine Haney, Eleanor and Park, Ellen G. Wolf, Elyse Weiss, Emmy Rothschild, English, English as a Second Language (ESL), Europe, Facebook, Fern Gauer, Foreign Policy Association, Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions Program, Frank Haney, Freegal, Freegal Music, French, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Board, Garry Katz, Gene Reich, Genealogy, German, Glynis Hirsch, Goodfellas, Google Play, Google Slides, Google Suite, Google+, Grammys, Great American Songbook, Greta Davison, Hanna Kent, Harvey Herman, Hebrew, Herbert M. Berman, Heritage Quest Online, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Iceland, iMac, Income Tax Forms, India, Indies Choice Young Adult Book of the Year, Interior Decorator, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Internet Safety, Inuit Art, iPad, iPhone, Italian, iTunes, James E. Hill, Jan Zobus, Jane Seiden, Japanese, Japanese American, Japanese American Internment, Jazz Pianist, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jeopardy, Jhumpa Lahiri, Joann Carbine, John Roth, John Zobus, Kary Henry, Kate Easley, Kathy Johnson, Katie Sullivan, Ken Gore, Kenan Abosch, Kyle Nakazawa, Lake County Clerk, Larry Kane, Larry Sullivan, Laura Kempf, Lee Rivlin, Leslie Brookfield, LinkedIn, Lionel Shriver, Lisa Schurgin, Little Pim, Lois Nagy, Luisa Ellenbogen, Lynn Pivan, Lynn Samuels, M.J. Turner Jr., Marilyn Scholl, Mark Nagy, Marla Bark Dembitz, Marla Peckler, Marley S. Korn, Mary Oppenheim, Mary Pergander, Maxine Kane, Michael K. Goldberg, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Mindy McGinnis, Minecraft, Mrs. Teddye Felix, Munich Germany, Muppets from Space, Nabi Tablets, Napoli, Neil Samuels, New York City New York, Nina Varma Michael, North America, North Shore K-9 Reading Buddies, Not a Drop to Drink, Overdrive, Panera Bread, Pearl Harbor Oahu Hawaii, Peter Fitzgerald, Petra van Nuis, Pharrell Williams, Pinterest, Prezi, Professor Moptop, Rainbow Rowell, Ralph Danielson, Real Urban Barbeque, Rhody Hausauer, Rich Kraines, Richard Oppenheim, Rick Kempf, Rob Cowan, Rock and Roll, Ronald Simon, Rosemary Sazonoff Writing Contest, Rothenburg Germany, Russian, Ruth R. Wenke, Sandra Levi, Sarah Okner, Sarah Vaughan, Scarface, Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), Science Alliance, SCORE Chicago, Searchable PDF, Seth Schriftman, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Shari Herman, Sharon Gonsky, Shirley Fitzgerald, Siri, Small Businesses, Social Media, Sony Music Entertainment, Southern Italy, Spanish, Streaming, Subhash Mitra, Sue Gottlieb, Sue Jacobs, Susan Cramer, Susan Dvora, Susan Fried, Susan Karp, Susan Schloss, Tamara Katz, The Beatles, The Godfather, The Lowland, Thomas Jester, Toys for Tots, Trax Tavern and Grill, Twitter, Udayan Mitra, United Kingdom, United States Marine Corps Toys for Tots, United States of America, Whole Foods, WiFi, William S. Seiden, Windows 8.1, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, WXRT Breakfast with the Beatles, Zentangle, Zinio Digital Magazines
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Spring 2014
Tags: 12 Years a Slave, Academy Awards, Alzheimer Disease, Alzheimer's Association, Amazon, American Hustle, American Jazz, App, Apple App Store, Bannockburn Illinois, Benjamin Wallace, Beth Kuhr, Bill Shores, Blu-Ray Format, Brian "Fox" Ellis, Bucky Halker, CardStar App, Caruso Middle School, Chateau Lafite Bordeaux, Chicago Junior League, Christies of London, Christy Silkaitis, College Admissions, Concentration Camps, Congregation B'nai Jehoshua Beth Elohim, Crime Scene Investigation, Deerfield Bank and Trust, Deerfield Fine Arts Commission, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Chamber Orchestra, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Card, Deerfield Public Library Computers, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library Grand Reopening, Deerfield Public Library Homeschooling Services, Deerfield Public Library Kids in Deerfield Love Science (KiDLS), Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library Music Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Online Resources, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library S*T*A*R Volunteers, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Summer Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Winter Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Divergent, Doctor Seuss, Donna Spigolon, Eastern Europe, Email, Estelle Laughlin, Financial Educator, Fingerprinting, Forensic Science, Forensic Scientists, Forensics, Frederick Dose, Frederick Dose Appraisals, Free Comic Book Day, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Board, Gary Kantor, Gmail, GoodReads, Google Play Store, Gravity, Herman Koch, Hotmail, Illinois State Police, Illinois State Police Latent Fingerprint Section, Improv, Internet, Israeli Folk Songs, Jamie Edwards, Jane Austen, Jazmer, Jedi Academy, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jenn Hovanec, Jewish American Heritage Month, Jody Wilson, John Steinbeck, Julie Witczak, Karen Chan, Kate Easley, Kenan Abosch, Key Ring App, Klezmer, Ladino Songs, Language Stars, Lekotek, Leslie Goddard, London England, Luisa Ellenbogen, Madeline Solein Dahlman, Mango Languages, Marla Bark Dembitz, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Mary Pergander, Medicare, Michael K. Goldberg, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, Minecraft, Money Smart Week, National Craft Month, National Physical Fitness Month, National Poetry Month, Nazism, Nina Varma Michael, North Shore Comics, North Shore K-9 Reading Buddies, Northbrook Illinois, NoveList, Panera Bread, Paris France, Pat Cannon, Personal Computers (PCs), Pinterest, Pride and Prejudice, Rattle and Hum, Ravinia College Consulting, Read Across America Day, Real Urban Barbeque, Rick Bayless, Robert Winslow, Ronald Simon, Sandra Gilbert, Saturday Night Live, Searchable PDF, Seth Schriftman, Smartphone, Smartphone Apps, St. Patrick's Day, Star Wars, Starbucks, Sunday G. Mueller, Susan Bloom, Teen Tech Week, The Billionaire's Vinegar, The Dinner, The Dust Bowl, The Grapes of Wrath, The Great Depression, The Joshua Tree, The Mad Hatters, The Shopper's Apprentice, Thomas Jefferson, Transcending Darkness: A Girl's Journey Out of the Holocaust, Trax Tavern and Grill, U2, Vermicomposting, Veronica Roth, Warsaw Ghetto, West Deerfield Township Food Pantry, Whole Foods, Whose Line is it Anyway?, WiFi, Woody Guthrie, World Book Night, Yahoo, Yiddish Music
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Winter 2013
Tags: A Christmas Carol, Adventures with Bailey, Affordable Care Act, Alex Liberman, Alexander Calder, Alzheimer Disease, Alzheimer's Association, Alzheimer's Association Greater Illinois Chapter, Amazon, Amazon Kindle eReaders, AMC Movie Theaters, American College Test (ACT), Amy Robillard, Amy Thale, Andrew Dembitz, Apps, Auntie Anne's, Barbara Geiger, Barbara Gore, Barbara Reich, Barry Clark, Barry Gray, Baskin Robbins, Benjamin Franklin, Betsy McLoughlin, Biaggi's, Bing, Bitter is the New Black, Blu-Ray Format, Bob Gottlieb, Brooke Fogt, Brunswick Zone, Calico Corners, Campus Colors, Carol A. Lockwood, Carol Rifka Brunt, Carole Klein-Alexander, Cellphone, Charles Dickens, CheckMates Chess Academy, Cheryl Simon, Chess, China, Christine Cowan, Christine Thornton, Claire Chanenson, Claudia A. Katz, Coffee, College of Lake County, Corduroy Bear, Dan Mazur, David Griffin, David Scholl, Deerfield Farmers Market, Deerfield Fine Arts Commission, Deerfield Fine Arts Commission Artists in Residence, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Chamber Orchestra, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Parent Network, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Blind Date with a Book, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Card, Deerfield Public Library Computers, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library Homeschooling Services, Deerfield Public Library Kids in Deerfield Love Science (KiDLS), Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library Poets, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library S*T*A*R Volunteers, Deerfield Public Library Special Needs Programming, Deerfield Public Library Staff, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Summer Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Winter Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield Rotary Club, Deerfield Rotary Club Coat Collection, Deerfield Winter Celebration, Diane Mazur, DIego Rivera, Don Freeman, Donna Abosch, Dorothy Collins, Downtown Abbey, Ed Collins, Elaine Haney, Ellen G. Wolf, Email, eReaders, Ernest Hemingway, Facebook, Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions Program, Frances Griffin, Frank Haney, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Get the Scoop Ice Cream Shop, Google, Greg Weiss, Harvey Herman, Henry Palette, Herbert M. Berman, Highclere Castle, Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDS), Il Forno Pizza and Pasta, Illeane Schwartz, Illinois Governor, Instagram, Internet, iPad, Jacob Lawrence, James E. Hill, Jan Zobus, Jane Seiden, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jen Lancaster, Jimmy Carter, Joann Carbine, John Singer Sargent, John Zobus, Joseph Cornell, Judaism, Karen Dessent, Kate Easley, Kathy Johnson, Kay Siess, Ken Ginsburg, Ken Gore, Kenan Abosch, KidSnips, Knitting, Kohl Children's Museum, Kraft Foods Foundation, Kyle Nakazawa, Lake Forest Bookstore, Larry Kane, Laura Kempf, Lauren Levin, Lee Rivlin, Letting Go with Love and Confidence, Linda Williams, LinkedIn, Lois Nagy, Lorraine Clark, Lynn Pivan, M.J. Turner Jr., Macaroni Soup, Madison and Friends, Make Magazine, Marilyn Reinish, Marilyn Scholl, Mark Nagy, Marla Bark Dembitz, Marley S. Korn, Mary Cassatt, Mary Oppenheim, Mary Pergander, Maxine Kane, McDonalds, Megan Plumly, Michael K. Goldberg, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, My Fair Lazy, New York Times, Nina Varma Michael, No Mistakes: How You Can Change Adversity Into Abundance, No One is Here Except All of Us, North Central O-Gaugers Model Railroad Club, North Shore K-9 Reading Buddies, Patrick Dessent, Paul Klee, Paula Shapiro, Peter Fitzgerald, Photography, Pinterest, Potbelly Sandwich Shop, Professor Moptop, Ramona Ausubel, Randy Wickstrom, Return of the Jedi, Richard Oppenheim, Rick Kempf, Rob Cowan, Robert Reinish, Romania, Ronald Simon, Rosemary Hurwitz, Rosemary Sazonoff Writing Contest, Rubber Soul, Ruth R. Wenke, Salvador Dali, Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), Scott Pointon, Searchable PDF, Shari Herman, Sharon Gonsky, Sheldon Schwartz, Sherry Engstrom, Shirley Fitzgerald, Skype, Social Media, Star Wars, Star Wars: A New Hope, Starbucks, Stephanie Levi, Sue Gottlieb, Sunday G. Mueller, Susan Cramer, Susan Dvora, Susan Fried, Susan Karp, Susan Schloss, Susie Gray, Target, Tell the Wolves I'm Home, Terry Lynch, The Beatles, The Call, The Day the Crayons Quit, The Empire Strikes Back, The Tao of Martha, Thomas Jester, Tom and Eddie's, Toys for Tots, Trax Tavern and Grill, Tumblr, Twisted Sisters, Twitter, Websites, Weebly, WiFi, William S. Seiden, Wreck-It Ralph, WXRT, WXRT Breakfast with the Beatles, Yahoo, Zinio Digital Magazines
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Summer 2011
Tags: A Visit from the Goon Squad, Adam Kromelow Trio, Adventures with Bailey, Africa, African Americans, Amy Lisitza, Antarctica, Australia, Barnes and Noble Book Store, Bennie Salazar, Blue Note and Jazz Gallery, Cancer, Career Advice, Chicago Botanic Gardens, Chicago Botanic Gardens Lenhardt Library, Chicago Horticultural Society, Chicago Symphony Center and Jazz Showcase, Chris Fascione, Cicero, Coen Brothers, Cornwall England, Curious George, Cynthia Rylant, Daphne Du Maurier, David Hall, Deerfield Family Days, Deerfield Farmers Market, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Finals Week, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Buddies, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Electronic Book Collection, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library Improvement Plan, Deerfield Public Library Meeting Rooms, Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library Poets, Deerfield Public Library Policies, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Public Information Meetings, Deerfield Public Library Self Checkout Stations, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Summer Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield School District, Deerfield Square, Delores Kohl, Delores Kohl Education Foundation, Disney, Doctor Seuss, Elmhurst College, Emma Stone, Facebook, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Board, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Book Sale, Gardening, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Google, Gooseberry Park, H.A. Rey, Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II, Heather Heavey, Henrietta Lacks, Isabel Wilkerson, J.K. Rowling, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jennifer Egan, Jessica Berger, Jordan Levitt, July 4th Activities, Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, Kathryn Stockett, Keith Sanderson, Kenan Abosch, Kohl Children's Museum, Laney Lebovitz, Laura Ashman, Lie Down in Darkness, Lynda Michele Kruse, Lynn Clarke, Madeline Solein Dahlman, Madison Square Garden, Margaret Weiner, Margret Rey, Maria Victoria-Abricka, Marimbas, Marla Bark Dembitz, Mary Courtney, Mary Pergander, Maxim de Winter, Melissa Stoeger, Michael K. Goldberg, Microsoft Word, Monterey Jazz Festival, My Media Mall, New York City New York, Nook eReader, North Suburban Special Education District, Northeastern Illinois University, Orphans of the Storm, Peyton Loftis, PSADewberry, Rapunzel, Rebecca, Rebecca Skloot, Rockwood Music Hall, Ronald Simon, Rosemary Sazonoff Writing Contest, Royalty, Searchable PDF, Sherman Beverly, Sissy Spacek, Society for Values in Higher Education, Society for Values in Higher Education Program Committee, StoryBus, Storytelling World Award, Sunday G. Mueller, Susan Karp, Tangled, The Cat in the Hat, The Gingerbread Man, The Great Migration, The Help, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, The Iridium, The Little Red Hen, The Three Little Pigs, The Warmth of Other Suns, True Grit, United States Marshall, University of Illinois Extension, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners, Viola Davis, Voldemort, WiFi, William Styron, Winnebago, Yahoo, YouTube
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Winter 2010
Tags: All Shook Up, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), American College Test (ACT), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Amy Alessio, Android Phones, Andy Head, Apple Mac Computers, April Wheeler, Arizona, Balint Zsako, Bannockburn Illinois, Barnes and Noble Book Store, Besh-Ba-Gowah Archaeological Park, Blackberry Phones, Career Advice, Cell Phone, Chicago Illinois, Chicago Music Scene, Chicago Wolves Hockey Team, Claude Monet, Collage, College of Lake County, College of Lake County History Department, David Groeninger, Dean Milano, Deerfield Farmers Market, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Finals Week, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Planning Commission, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Book Drop Boxes, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Early Childhood Literacy Stations, Deerfield Public Library Electronic Book Collection, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library Facebook Page, Deerfield Public Library Homeschooling Services, Deerfield Public Library Improvement Plan, Deerfield Public Library Meeting Rooms, Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library Online Resources, Deerfield Public Library Poets, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Referendum, Deerfield Public Library Self Checkout Stations, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Winter Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Youth Book Groups, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield Square, Deerfield Train Station, Deerfield Village Hall, Deerfield Winter Celebration, Despicable Me, Eat Pray Love, eAudiobooks, eBay, eBooks, Elizabeth Gilbert, Exercise, Facebook, Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions Program, Frank Wheeler, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Board, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Book Sale, Gale Gand, Goldfield Arizona, Google, Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide, Highland Park Illinois, Human Anatomy, Hunger Games, Illinois, Income Tax Assistance, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Internet, iPads, iPhones, iPods, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jeffrey Zaslow, Jennifer Roy, Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) Career Planning Center, Job Hunting, Julie Rhea, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions, Kate Easley, Katniss Everdeen, Kenan Abosch, Loyola Museum of Art, M.E. Herlong, Marla Bark Dembitz, Mary Courtney, Mary Pergander, Mesa Arizona, Michael K. Goldberg, Michael Morpurgo, Microsoft Word, MP3 Player, Mr.Popper's Penguins, My Media Mall, Nancy McCully, Nicholas Kristof, Nook eReader, North America, North Central O-Gaugers Model Railroad Club, North Shore K-9 Reading Buddies, Pablo Picasso, Panera Bread, Personal Computers (PCs), Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Playaway Audiobooks, Rebecca Caudill Award, Rebecca Wolf, Revolutionary Road, Richard Atwater, Richard Harris, Richard Yates, Riverwoods Illinois, Roberta Glick, Ronald Simon, Rosemary Sazonoff, Rosemary Sazonoff Writing Contest, Searchable PDF, Shelly Pearsall, Sheryl WuDunn, Sony eReader, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Sunday G. Mueller, Sunnyside Day Care Center, Sunset Foods, Suzanne Collins, Target Foundation, Target Foundation Early Childhood Reading Grant, Ted Gray, The Girls from Ames, The Great Wide Sea, The Hogwarts Express, The Mozart Question, Thomas Jester, Thomas the Tank Engine, Toy Story 3, Toys for Tots, Whole Foods, Wickenburg Arizona, WiFi, Yahoo, Yellow Star
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Summer 2010
Tags: Aaron Copland, Academy Awards, Adrien Mulholland, Alec Baldwin, Alice in Wonderland, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), American Bandstand, American Library Association (ALA), Amy Thale, An Education, Andrew Sean Greer, Animal Vegetable Miracle, Arizona, Arlington Heights Public Library, Art Institute of Chicago, Bahamas, Bannockburn Illinois, Barbara Kingsolver, Barnes and Noble Book Store, Betsy Eisenhauer, Betty Hicks, Bob McGreevy, Bob Rosenbacher, Brooke Fogt, Bruce Zimmerman, Career Advice, Carey Mulligan, Caribbean Sea, Chicago Illinois, Chicago Musical College Competition, Christine Barr, Clifford, Colleen Seisser, College Admissions, Cook Memorial Public Library, Cookie Center, Cookie Mouse, Coraline, David Hirsch, Deerfield Farmers Market, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Finals Week, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Optimists Club, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Buddies, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library Email Notification System, Deerfield Public Library Holds Policy, Deerfield Public Library Meeting Rooms, Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library Online Public Catalog, Deerfield Public Library Open Houses, Deerfield Public Library Poets, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Referendum, Deerfield Public Library Renovations, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Summer Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Survey, Deerfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield Schools, Deerfield Village Board of Trustees, Eclipse, Edward Elgar, Emily Compton-Dzak, Esme Lennox, Eureka Discoveries, Felix Mendelssohn, Field Museum of Natural History, Finding Nemo, Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions Program, Francesca Vena-Pedersen, Francois-Joseph Gossec, Franz Schubert, Frederic Chopin, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Gail Borden Public Library, Gale Gand, Gardening, Gary Kouba, George Clooney, Georges Bizet, Green Golly, Green Golly and Her Golden Flute, Guitar Hero, Gym Shorts: Swimming with Sharks, Hannah Keen, Heather Braoudakis, Hula, Hy Speck, If You Give a Mouse a Gookie, Income Tax Assistance, Invictus, iPod Touch, Iris Lockhart, It's Complicated, iTunes, Jackson Mississippi, Jane Byrne, Jane Weinstein-Jacobson, Jean Reuther, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jerry Lee Lewis, Jerry Levy, Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) Career Planning Center, Joan Simonds, Joe Arzac, John Bartok, John Dillinger, John G. Shedd, John Kelsey, Johnny Mathis, Judy Smith, Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions, Kathryn Stockett, Kay Palecek, Kenan Abosch, Laura Numeroff, Laurie Leibowitz, Lindsay Zabel, Linkin Consortium, Lisa Crist, Lorraine Clark, Lucy Kempton, Luisa Ellenbogen, Lynda Michele Kruse, Lynn Samuels, Madeline Solein Dahlman, Maggie O'Farrell, Mario Kart, Mark Fox, Marla Bark Dembitz, Mary Courtney, Mary Pergander, Masters in Library and Information Science (MLIS), Meryl Streep, Metropolitan Opera, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra, Metropolitan Opera Orchestra Concertmaster, Michael K. Goldberg, Michael Oher, Mies Van der Rohe, Mike Gruenhut, Murder Mystery Night, Nancy O'Neill, National Endowment for the Humanities, Nelson Mandela, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii Bowling, Norman Bridwell, North Shore K-9 Reading Buddies, Northern Illinois University, Nuremberg Symphony, Nuremberg Symphony Concertmaster, Oliver Colbentson, One Book One Zip Code, Orphans of the Storm, Oxford University, Patsy Cline, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, Perfect Auto Finish, Perry Como,, Princess and the Frog, Public Opinion Laboratory, Rapunzel, Ravinia, Rick Lynn, Rita Kirby, Riverwoods Illinois, Roberta Glick, Robin's Dog Stars, Ronald Simon, Rosemary Sazonoff Writing Contest, Ryan Bingham, Sally Rand, Sandra Bullock, Searchable PDF, Shedd Aquarium, Sherlock Holmes, Sherry Kaplan, Skeeter Phelan, Skokie Public Library, South Africa, Spike Jonze, Steve Martin, Sunday G. Mueller, Sydney Australia, The Blind Side, The Help, The Story of a Marriage, The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox, Thomas Jester, Tim Burton, Twilight, United States, University of Illinois Extension, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners, Up in the Air, Virginia, We the People Bookshelf Grant, Where the Wild Things Are, Whole Foods, WiFi, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Young Victoria
Browsing | Deerfield Public Library | Winter 2009-2010
Tags: 11 Birthdays, 70 Meals One Trip to the Store, A Great Idea at the Time, A.A. Milne, Alex Beam, Alicia Akers, American Association of Retired Persons (AARP), American College Test (ACT), Arlene Kushen, Away We Go, Bannockburn Illinois, Barnes and Noble Book Store, Barry Clark, Beckie Menzie, Big Band Sound of Deerfield, Bill Helmuth, Burt Snider, But Not Next Door, Career Advice, Caruso Middle School, Charles J. Caruso, Chicago Bears, Chicago Illinois, Chicago Wolves Hockey Team, Chris Mitchell, Christian Beginnings Preschool, Civil Rights Movement, Claudia Katz, Colleen Seisser, Consumer Reports, Daryl Anisfeld, David B. Wolff, Deerfield Bannockburn Fire Prevention Department, Deerfield Fine Arts Commission, Deerfield High School, Deerfield High School Choraliers, Deerfield High School Finals Week, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Junior Women's Club, Deerfield Mayor, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Adult Services Department, Deerfield Public Library Audio Visual Circulation, Deerfield Public Library Board of Trustees, Deerfield Public Library Book Discussions, Deerfield Public Library Book Drop Boxes, Deerfield Public Library Bookmark Contest, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Circulation, Deerfield Public Library Circulation Department, Deerfield Public Library Circulation Policies, Deerfield Public Library Electronic Book Collection, Deerfield Public Library Email, Deerfield Public Library Email Notification System, Deerfield Public Library Magazines, Deerfield Public Library Meeting Rooms, Deerfield Public Library Movie Showings, Deerfield Public Library Online Public Catalog, Deerfield Public Library Online Resources, Deerfield Public Library Poets, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Renovations, Deerfield Public Library Space Needs Assessment, Deerfield Public Library Storytimes, Deerfield Public Library Summer Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Technology Classes, Deerfield Public Library Teen Advisory Board (TAB), Deerfield Public Library Teen Study Lounge, Deerfield Public Library Video Game Circulation, Deerfield Public Library Website, Deerfield Public Library Winter Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Youth Book Groups, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield School District #109 Superintendent, Deerfield Winter Celebration, Denise Mock, Dick Dorgan, Doctor Seuss, eAudiobooks, eBooks, Eddy Patay, Ehlers and Associates, Electrician, Elizabeth Strout, Energy-Efficiency, Eureka Discoveries, Europe, eVideo, Federal Tax Forms, Foreign Policy Association Great Decisions Program, Four Christmases, French, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library Book Sale, Gale Gand, German, Google, GPS Navigation System, Harriet Rosenthal, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Heather Braoudakis, Hebrew, Holocaust, Hugh Merrill, Illinois Family Reading Night, Illinois Tax Forms, Illinois Tax Forms Website, Income Tax Assistance, Income Tax Forms, Internal Revenue Service (IRS), Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Website, Internet, iPods, Iran, Iranian Revolution, Islam, Israel, Israeli Democracy, Israeli Politics, Israeli Women, Italian, Jeffrey Rivlin, Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) Career Planning Center, Job Hunting, Jody Wilson, John Peterson, Judy Rundell, Julie and Julia, Kadima, Karen Kleckner Keefe, Kate Christensen, Kelly Donlea, Kenan Abosch, Kyle Nakazawa, Laura Ingalls Wilder, League of Women Voters Deerfield - Lincolnshire, Likud, Listening is an Act of Love, Loren Samson, Lorraine Clark, Marjane Satrapi, Marla Bark Dembitz, Mary Courtney, Mary Pergander, Mary Schwartz, Michael K. Goldberg, Michele Felman, Mickey Baer, Moshe Pomerantz, Mountains Beyond Mountains, MP3 Player, Musicals, My Media Mall, My Sister's Keeper, Nancy Ginsburg, Naptime Nancy, Nat King Cole, National Louis University, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo Wii Bowling, North Shore K-9 Reading Buddies, Olive Kitteridge, One Book One Zip Code, One Book One Zip Code Website, Operettas, Panel Discussion, Patty Turner Senior Center, Peggy Lee, Percy Jackson, Persepolis, Persia, Philadelphia Story, Philip Novak, Public Enemies, Ray Larsen, Reference USA, Renee Goier, Richard Kushen, Richard Meenahan, Riverwoods Illinois, Roberta Glick, Ronald Simon, Rosemary Sazonoff, Rosemary Sazonoff Writing Contest, Russian, Ruth Wenke, Say You're One of Them, Scrapbooking, Searchable PDF, Serbo-Croatian, Sharon Benjamin, Spanish, Stacy O'Brien, Staley da Bear, Sunday G. Mueller, Target Corporation, The Great Man, The Littles, Thomas Jester, Tom Michael, Toys for Tots,, Career Center, United States, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Up, Uwem Akpan, Variety Shows, Voter Registration, Walgreens, Wendy Mass, Wesley the Owl: The Remarkable Love Story of an Owl and His Girl, West Deerfield Township Food Pantry, Whatever Works, When Harry Met Sally, Who Gives Kisses Freely from Her Lips, Whole Foods, WiFi, Winnie the Pooh, Yahoo, Yiddish