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- Tags: William Brink
North Shore Summer Project Newsletter
Tags: Abolitionist, Abraham Lincoln, Africa, African, Afro-Asian World, Alexander Crummell, Alfred S. Eichner, American Civil War, American Democracy, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Armand King, Atlanta Georgia, Baird and Warner, Benjamin Banneker, Black Belt, Black Muslim Movement, Black Muslims, Brotherhood, C. Eric Lincoln, C.T. Vivian, Canada, Carol Kleiman, Chardin, Charles Silberman, Charleston South Carolina, Chicago Illinois, Chicago North Side, Chicago South Side, Christianity, Civil Rights, Civil Rights Literature, Civil Rights Movements, Communism, Daniel Corrigan, Daniel Guetzkow, David Walker, Deerfield Petition Drive, Deerfield Petition Drive Committee, Democracy, Denmark Vesey, E. Essien-Udom, Ebony Magazine, Eli Ginzberg, Emory Davis, Episcopal Church, Equal Protection of the Law, Eugene Carson Blake, Evanston Freedom Center, Evanston Illinois, Evanston Police Department, Evanston-North Shore Board of Realtors, Fascism, Fayette County, Fayette County Voter Registration, Fayette County Voter Registration Crisis, Fran Rominsky, Frederick Douglass, Freedom, Freedom of Movement, Gabriel, Gabriel Prosser, George Vickers, Gerald Roseberry, Grace Meigs Damman, Great Lakes, Greensboro North Carolina, Harlem New York City, Harold Isaacs, Harvard University, Harvard University History Department, Henry Highland Garnett, Highland Park Illinois, Highland Park July 4th Parade, Housing Discrimination, Housing Segregation, I Have a Dream Speech, Ignazio Silone, Italian, J. Saunders Redding, James Baldwin, Janet Sundberg, Jean Mitten, Jerome Bruner, John A. Morsell, John Bing, John Hope Franklin, John Oberteuffer, Judaism, July 4th Activities, June Carter, Kenneth Stampps, King Realty Co., Latin America, Laymond Robinson, Lerone Bennett Jr., Leslie Cook, Lillian Smith, London Institute of Race Relations, Loraine Hansberry, Louis Harris, Louis Lomax, Louis Pfaff, Lynn Williams, Marc Ross, Margery Benton, Martin Luther King Jr., Mary Barninger, Mason-Dixon Line, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Massachusetts Institute of Technology Center for International Studies, Militant Abolitionism, Montgomery Alabama, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Mr. Miller, Mundelein College, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Urban League, Neil King, New York Times, Newsletter, Newsweek, Nigeria, Nigerian, Non-Violence, Non-Violent Demonstration Workshop, North America, North Shore Housewives Vigil, North Shore Real Estate, North Shore Real Estate Agencies, North Shore Summer Project, North Shore Summer Project Executive Committee, North Shore Summer Project Executive Director, North Shore Summer Project Non-Violent Strategy Committee, North Shore Summer Project Steering Committee, North Shore Summer Project Tactics Committee, Northern Bigotry, Northern Race Relations, Northwestern University, Northwestern University Law and Social Sciences Committee, Open Community, Open Occupancy Housing Policy, Organized Labor, Pan-Africanism, Panel Discussion, Pat Evans, Peter H. Field, Power Structure, Pre-Civil War, Protests, Quinlan and Tyson, Race Relations, Race Relations War Zones, Racial Discrimination, Racial Discrimination in Housing, Racism, Ralph Ellison, Ralph J. Bunche, Real Estate, Ric Momeyer, Richard Pollack, Richard Wright, Robert Dorsett, Robert F. McGovern, Rosa Parks, School Discrimination, School Integration, Selma Alabama, Settlement Houses, Sidwell Friends School, Skokie Illinois, Slave Rebellion, Smith College, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, St. John's Lutheran Church, Stanley Elkin, Sterling Stuckey, Suburbanism, Suburbia, The Negro Mood, University of Chicago, Voter Registration, Voter Suppression, W. Haywood Burns, W.E.B. DuBois, War Zones, Washington D.C., White Americans, White Christianity, White Liberalism, White Plains New York, White Supremacy, Whitney Young, William Brink, William Moyer, Winnetka Illinois, Winnetka Village Green, Woodrow Wilson, Yale University
Information Service
Tags: 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Abraham Lincoln, Adam C. Powell, Address to Congress, Adolph Hitler, Adult Education, African Americans, American Civil War, American Friends Service Committee, American Institute of Public Opinion, American Jewish Congress, Anti-Jim Crow, Association of Council Secretaries, Baltimore Maryland, Barry Goldwater, Bedroom Community, Benson Y. Landis, Berlin Germany, Birmingham Alabama, Black Muslims, Boycott, Brotherhood, Bureau of Research and Survey, But Not Next Door, Buying Power, C. Arild Olsen, Capitol Hill, Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, Chicago Illinois, Church of Jesus Christ, Civic Action, Civil Rights, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights and Job Opportunities Address to Congress, Civil Rights and Racial Justice, Civil Rights and Racial Justice Resolution, Civil Rights Commissions, Community Relations, Community Relations Service, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Congressional Address, Controlled Occupancy Policy, Cook County Illinois, Cuban Missile Crisis, Daisy Bates, David H. Rosen, David McKay Company Inc., De Facto Segregation, De Jure Segregation, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Park District, Democratic Party, Demonstrations, Desegregation, Domestic Tranquility, Economic Efficiency, Ecumenical Leadership, Elijah Muhammad, Emancipation Proclamation, Emanuel Celler, Equal Access, Equal Accommodations, Equal Accommodations in Public Facilities, Equal Job Opportunities, Equal Protection of the Law, Equality, Equality of Opportunity, Eugene Carson Blake, Fair Employment Regulations, Federal Aid, Federal Assistance Programs, Federal Employment Programs, Federal Fair Employment Practices Law, Federal Government, Filibuster, Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause United States Constitution, Francis J. Lally, Gallup Poll, George Gallup, Georgia, Gwynn Oak Amusement Park, Harry M. Rosen, Highland Park Illinois, House Resolution 7152, Housing Integration, Housing Segregation, Human Relations Organizations, Human Rights, I Have a Dream Speech, Inevitability of Integration, Information Service, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, James H. Price, Jesus Christ, Jim Crow Laws, Joachim Prinz, John F. Kennedy, Judaism, Ku Klux Klan, Lake County Illinois, Lake Forest Illinois, Land Condemnation, Letter from Birmingham Jail, Lincoln Memorial, Little Rock Arkansas, Little Rock Nine, Louis Harris, Lyndon B. Johnson, Marches, Martin Luther King Jr., Mass Protests, Michael J. Mansfield, Mississippi, Modern Community Developers Inc., Montana, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Council of Churches, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America General Board, Nazism, Nelson Rockerfeller, New York, New York City New York, New York Times, Newsletter, Newsweek, Non-Violence, Northern Bigotry, Northern Patterns of Residence, Order v. Justice, Orthodox Churches, Park Referendum, Paul V. Berggren, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Princeton New Jersey, Progress Development Corporation, Protestantism, Protests, Public Institutions of Higher Learning, Public Opinion News Service, Public School Boards, Race Relations, Racial Discrimination, Racial Equality, Racial Problems, Racial Stereotypes, Racial Strife, Religious Racial Discrimination, Religious Response to the Deerfield Integration Case, Republican Party, Rochester New York, Roman Catholic Bishops of the United States, Roman Catholic Church, Russia, School Integration, School Segregation, Senate Bill 1731, Separate But Equal Doctrine, Separatist Doctrine, Sit-Ins, Social Justice, Store Boycott, Store Picketing, Suburbanization, The Long Shadow of Little Rock, The Pilot, The United States and Its Churches, United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ Board for Homeland Ministries, United Church of Christ Board for Homeland Ministries Board of Directors, United Presbyterian Churches, United States Attorney General, United States Congress, United States Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, United States Federal District Court System, United States Federal Government Executive Branch, United States Federal Government Judicial Branch, United States House of Representatives, United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, United States House Representative, United States of America, United States Religion and Race Commission, United States Senate, United States Senator, United States Supreme Court, Urbanization, Washington D.C., Washington D.C. Police Department, Washington Office of the National Council of Churches, Washington Post, White Casualties, White Citizens' Councils, White Majority, William Brink, Williams Bay Wisconsin, Willingness to Go to Jail for the Cause, World Council of Churches, World Council of Churches Central Committee, World Diplomacy