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- Tags: Case of the Cosmic Comic
Browsing at the Deerfield Public Library -- Summer 1988
Tags: 1969 Deerfield Public Library Building Project Referendum, A Perfect Spy, American Library Association (ALA), Anthony G. Sabato, Call It Courage, Case of the Cosmic Comic, Central Serials Service (CSS), Chariots of Fire, Charlene Reich, Chicago Author, Chicago Illinois, Cold Sassy Georgia, Cold Sassy Tree, Cricket in Times Square, David Mayer, Deerfield Citizens for Drug Awareness, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Automation, Deerfield Public Library Browsing Newsletter, Deerfield Public Library Interlibrary Loan Service, Deerfield Public Library Programming, Deerfield Public Library Reciprocal Borrowing Program, Deerfield Public Library Referendum, Deerfield Public Library Summer Reading Programs, Deerfield Public Library Survey, Deerfield Public Library Youth Services Department, Deerfield Village Hall, Dominican University, E. Rucker Blakeslee, Electric Grandmother, GEAC Computers Inc., Great Books Courses, Illinois Library and Information Network (ILLINET), Jessica Esslinger, John A. Anderson, John Dewey, John LeCarre, John Stuart Mills, Kidfolk, Lionheart, Magnus Pym, Mary Suzanne Whetstone, Masters in Library and Information Science (MLIS), Morton Grove Public Library, Nancy Reagan, Nikkolina, North Suburban Library System, Olive Ann Burns, Once Upon a Mouse, Pat Conroy, Phillip and the White Colt, Prince of Tides, Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, River Forest Illinois, Roberts Marionettes, Rosary College, Rosary College Library School, Rosemary Sazonoff, Sally Brickman Seifert, Sara's Summer of the Swans, Searchable PDF, Skokie Illinois, Skokie Public Library, Soup for President, South Bend Indiana, Summer Switch, Susan L. Benn, Talking Cat, The Boston Globe, The Courtauld Collection, The Fur Coat Club, The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, Thomas E. Parfitt, University of Illinois, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Library Research Center, University of Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Humanities Reference Department, Virginia Carter, Waukegan Public Library, Wilbur Page