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- Tags: Artis Lane
Local Historical Research
Tags: A Gallery of Harlem Portraits, A Heritage: A Congregational History Bleheim United Church, A History of Dresden, A Living History: Voices of the Past Speak to the Present, A Magazine of Negro Comment, A North-Side View of Slavery - The Refugee, A Pictoral History of the Negro in America, A Plea for Emigration: Notes on Canada West, A Rage for Order: Black-White Relations in the American South Since Emancipation, A Review of Contemporary Photography in Canada, A Traveler's Guide to Two Cities: Boston and New Orleans, A.C. Robbins, Abraham Lincoln, Adrienne Shadd, Adventures of an African Slaver, Africa Publications Trust, African American Genealogical Sourcebook, African Cultural Heritage, African Culture Series: Native Musical Instruments, African Journey, Agricultural Economy, Alex Haley, Alfred E. Cain, All Around the Square: Feliciana and East and West Feliciana Parishes, American Black Women in the Arts and Sciences: A Bibliographic Survey, American Civil War, American Reconstruction Era, American Visions: The Magazine of Afro-American Culture, Amherstburg Ontario Canada, Amherstburg Regular Missionary Baptist Association: Its Auxiliaries and Churches, Amos Fortune Free Man, AMS Press, An Enduring Heritage: Black Contributions to Early Ontario, An Epic of Heroism: The Underground Railroad in Michigan 1837-1870, Anderson, Andrew Jackson, Ann Grifalconi, Anne Fraser, Anne Straith Jamieson, Anthology of the American Nego in the Theatre, Archives of Ontario, Arno Press, Arthur D. Phelps, Arthur L. Tolson, Artis Lane, Autobiography of Rev. William King and Supplementary Papers, Baltimore Maryland, Banister, Bantam Books, Barbara McCall, Barbara Summers, Barnwell Mabel and Bernice Peacock Biographical Index, Basil Mathews, Beacon Press, Before the Mayflower: The History of the Negro in America 1619-1964, Bell, Benjamin Drew, Bernard Katz, Beryl Epstein, Bethany House Publishers, Bicentennial Collector's Issue, Bill Waddell, Binford, Black, Black Abolitionists in Canada West to 1960, Black Africa: Language and LIterature, Black Americans in Cleveland from George Peake to Carl B. Stokes, Black Heritage Discovery, Black Perspectives on the Bicentennial: Blacks and US Wars, Black Perspectives on the Bicentennial: Economic Progress of Blacks After 200 Years, Black Perspectives on the Bicentennial: The Black Press and the First Amendment, Black Presence in Multi-Ethnic Canada, Black Students in Urban Canada, Black Studies: A Resource Guide for Teachers, Blacks in Detroit: A Reprint of Articles from the Detroit Free Press, Blaine Ethridge Books, Booker T. Washington, Booker T. Washington: Educator of Hand Head and Heart, Boston Massachusetts, Brian Lanker, British Methodist Episcopal Church, Brock University, Brooks, Brown, Bryan E. Walls, Burfit, Burke, Burse, Burton, Buxton Cemetery, Buxton Churches, Buxton Mission School, Buxton National Historic Site, Buxton National Historic Site and Museum, Buxton National Historic Site Reference Library, Buxton National Historic Site Research Area, Buxton Old School, Buxton Settlement Canada, Buxton the Liberator, Calendar, Calvin W. Ruck, Canada, Canada Historic Sites and Monuments Board, Canadian Canaan: A History of Black Baptists in Ontario, Canadian Federal Government, Canadian Government, Canadian History, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Canadian Negro Women's Association, Canadian Negro Women's Association Incorporated, Canadian Provincial Government, Carib-Can Publishers, Carl B. Stokes, Carl E. James, Carl Owens, Carrie M. Best, Carter, Case Studies, Charles L. Blockson, Charles Wesley, Charlesbridge Publishing, Charlotte Bronte Perry, Charro Press Incorporated, Chase, Chatham Ontario Canada, Chatham Welcomes Fergie Home, Chatham-Kent Municipality, Chavis, Chester County Pennsylvania, Chicago Illinois, Cindy H. Wargo, Clarion Publishing Company, Clarke Irwin and Company, Cleveland Ohio, Cobblehill Books, Colin McFarquhar, Collins, Columbia Missouri, Community Action Programs, Connecticut, Cooper, Cooperative Extension Service, Cooperstown New York, Copp Clark Publishing Company, Cornan, Corners of Black History, Cosby, Craig, Cromwell, Cronan, Crosby, Crosswhight, Crown Publishers Incorporated, D. Reidel Publishing Company, Dane Burr, Daniel G. Hill, Dave Jackson, Dead End School, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Reference Desk, Dell Publishing Company Incorporated, Denver Colorado, Derrydale Books, Detroit Black Historic Sites, Detroit Children's Museum, Detroit Free Press, Detroit Historical Department, Detroit Historical Museum, Detroit Historical Museum Black Historic Sites Committee, Detroit Michigan, Detroit News, Detroit Public Schools, Detroit's Black Heritage, Diana L. Spencer, Dick Frank, Donald George Simpson, Doo, Dood Mead and Company, Doris Parkin Keil, Dorothy Inborden Miller, Dorothy Shadd Shreve, Doston, Doubleday and Company Incorporated, Down Our Road: Written for the Charing Cross Centennial 1973, Drake, Dred: A Tale of the Dismal Swamp, Dresden Ontario Canada, Dresden Times, Drys, Duell Sloan and Pearce Publishers, Dundurn Press Limited, Dyke, Dyment-Stubley Printers, Ebony Magazine, Edmonton Alberta Canada, Educational Heritage Incorporated, Edwards Printing Company, Elgin School, Elgin Settlement, Elgin Settlement Canada, Elizabeth M. Turner, Elizabeth Yates, Ellezy, Elton C. Fax, Email, Emancipation Festivities and Program, Englewood Cliffs, Enid D'Oyley, Enos, Ernest J. Gaines, Escape from Slavery: The Underground Railroad, Escape from the Slave Traders, Eslanda Goode Robeson, Essence Magazine, Evans, Eyewitness: The Negro in American History, F. Hubner and Company Incorporated, F.A. Robinson, Fergie Jenkins, Ferguson Jenkins, Fifty Mighty Men, First Settler Records, Folders of Articles about the Artist and Reproductions of Her Work, Frances Cloud Taylor, Frances Jacob Albert, Frank L. Morris, Frank W. Anderson, Fred Coyne Hamil, Freedmen's Inquiry Commission, Freedom Road, Freeman, Fritz Henle, Fritz Kredel, From Slavery to Freedom, Fund for New Priorities in America, G.C. Porter, Gale Genealogy and Local History Series, Gale Research Incorporated, Garden City Publishing Company Incorporated, Garel, Garrard Publishing Company, Gary E. French, Genealogical Reference Data, George H. Doran Company, George Peake, George Vass, George W. Pattison, George Washington Carver, George Washington Carver Negro Scientist: A Discovery Book, Ghana, Givens, Gleanings from the Glen, Glen Ladd, Glenette Tilley Turner, Grant MacEwan, Gray, Green Book, Griffin, Griffith, Groce, Gunn, Gwendolyn Robinson, Halifax Nova Scotia, Hamilton Ontario Canada, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Harden, Harding, Harlem New York City, Harper's Ferry, Harried Beecher Stowe, Harris, Harrison, Harvey Wish, Hastings House, Hawkins, Henry Regnery Company, Herbert M. Morais, Heritage: Giving Our Past a Future, Hickman Printing Incorporated, Hicks, Hilda Dungy, Hiram Walker and Sons Limited, Historical Negro Biographies, History of Public General Hospital School of Nursing, Hooper, Howard Fast, Huckleberry Finn, Human Relations: The Right to Live in Dignity, Human Rights in Canada: A Focus on Racism, Hutchison and Company Limited, I Dream a World: Portrais of Black Women Who Changed America, If This is the Time, Illinois, Impact Enterprises Incorporated, International Library of Negro Life and History, International Prince Hall Day, International Review of African American Art, Isidre Mones, J. Carlyle Parker, J. Earl Burr, J.A. Griffin, J.A. Mitton, J.A. Rogers, J.B. Pole Printing, Jackson, James C. Curtis, James W. Walker, Jane Pittman, Jennie Johnson, Jerry Blocker, Jesse Jackson, Jesse!? Jackson's Surprising Surge, Jet Magazine, Jim Bearden, Joel Williamson, John Brown, John Brown Forte, John Brown's Body, John Lutman, John Oliver Killens, John P. Jewett, John P. Jewett and Company, John W. Robinson, Johnson, Johnson Publishing Company Incorporated, Johnston, Jones, Jordan Station, Josiah Henson, Josten's Publications, Julian Messner, Karel F. Ruzicka, Karen L. Jefferson, Katherine Roundtree, Kennett Square Pennsylvania, Kent County Ontario, Kent County Ontario Marriage Registers, Kentucky, Kersey, L. Douglas Wilder, Langston Hughes, Laura Rosenthal, Lawrence Hill, Lawson, Legacy to Buxton, Legacy: Newsletter of the Archives of Ontario, Leon F. Litwack, Lerone Bennett Jr., Levero Lee Carter, Lewis, Lewis L. Gould, Library Service for Genealogists, Like Nobody Else: The Fergie Jenkins Story, Lillie Patterson, Linda Goss, Linda Jean Butler, Lindsay Patterson, Local History, London England, Look to the North Star, Lorenz Ott, Lorraine Monk, Louise Fitzhugh, Lyman Wilmot, Macleans, Madrue Chavers-Wright, Makin' Free: African-Americans in the Northwest Territory, Malone, Malott, Mamie Austin Rouzan, Marian E. Barnes, Marion Matt, Mark Twain, Markham Illinois, Martin, Martin A. Delany, Martin Luther King Jr., Martin Luther King Jr. To The Mountaintop, Martin Luther King Jr.: Man of Peace, Marvelous Michael Jackson: An Unauthorized Biography, Mary A. Shadd, Mary Ann Shadd, Mary C. Mallory, Mary E. Hatter Quinn, Mary McLoughlin, Mary Shadd Cary, MAtthews, Maya Angelou, McMaster Divinity College, Melfort and District Golden Jubilee Committee, Melvin Tolson, Men of Colour: An Historical Account of the Black Settlement on Wilberforce Street and in Oro Township, Michael Semak, Michigan, Michigan 4-H Youth Programs, Michigan Department of Education, Michigan Department of Education Office for Sex Equity, Middleton, Miller, Milton Meltzer, Minneapolis Minnesota, Mississippi, Montreal Quebec Canada, Moore, Morris, Morton, Murder Clues from the Black Museum, Musical Buxton, My Life, My Search for Roots: A Black American's Story, Nat Brandt, National Geographic, National Museums of Canada, National Urban League, Native Son, NC Press Limited, Negro Americans in the Civil War, Negro Digest, Negro Heritage Reader for Young People, Negroes in Ontario From Early Times to 1870, Neta Jackson, New Jersey, New Orleans Louisiana, New York, New York Times, Newby, Niagara Falls Ontario Canada, Niagara Tourist Council, Niagara's Freedom Trail: A Guide to African-Canadian History on the Niagara Peninsula, Nimbus Publishing Limited, Nobody's Family is Going to Change, Nora S. Unwin, Norman McRae, Norman Rockwell, North American Black History, North Buxton Ontario Canada, North of Slavery: The Negro in the Free States 1790-1860, Nova Scotia Canada, Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, Nuby, Nurses' Alumnae Association, O.P. Anderson, Oberlin Community History, Oberlin Ohio, Ohio, Oklahoma, Olive Publishing Company Limited, On Black History: Nova Scotia - A Pictoral, One Man's Journey: Roy Prince Edward Perry 1905-1972, Ontario Black History Society, Ontario Black History Society Annual Report, Ontario Genealogical Society, Ontario Genealogical Society Kent County Branch, Ontario Heritage Foundation, Ontario Heritage Policy Review, Ontario Human Rights Code and Age Discrimination Act, Ontario Human Rights Commission, Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Culture, Ontario Ministry of Culture and Communication, Ontario Ministry of Culture and Communications, Ontario Ministry of Education, Ontario: An Informal History of Its Land and Its People, Ora WIlliams, Orillia Ontario Canada, Oro Township Canada, Our North Buxton Heritage: Mary E. Hatter Quinn Memorial, Owen A. Thomas, Owen Burey, Owens, Oxford University Press, P.W. Chavers, Paideia Press, Park, Parker, Parsons, Pathfinders of Liberty and Truth, Patricia W. Romero, Patton, Paul LeClair, Paula K. Byers, Peaker, Pearl Bailey, Pearl's Kitchen: An Extraordinary Cookbook, Peker, Pelican Books, Pennsylvania, People Magazine, Petr Zima, Pierce, Pitman Publishing Corporation, Planted by the Waters: A Genealogy of the Jones-Carter Family, Poindexter, Prentice-Hall, Prince, Printout, Prospective Sites Relating to Black History in Canada, R and S Publishers, R.H. Mottram, Raleigh Ontario Canada, Raleigh Township Canada, Raleigh Township Centennial Project, Raleigh Township Council, Raleigh Township Statute Labour 1838-1847, Raoul Abdull, Reader's Digest, Redbook, Redding, Refugees From Slavery in Canada West, Reginald Larrie, Reginald Witherspoon, Reidmore Books, Rella Braithwaite, Rice, Richard Wright, Richardson, Riddle, Robbins, Robert Brandon, Robert Choquette, Robert Coles, Robert Ewell Greene, Robert M. Farnsworth, Roberta Hughes Wright, Robin Breon, Robinson, Roger Riendeau, Romantic Kent: The Story of a County 1626-1952, Roots, Roots: Back to Africa with an Embattled Alex Haley, Roots: Part II, Ross, Ruby Zagoren, Russell H. Davis, S.G. Howe, Sam Epstein, Samella Lewis, Samuel L. Clemens, Sanders, Sara Bonnett Stein, Saskatoon Canada, Scott, Scott McGehee, Seek the Truth; A Story of Chatham's Black Community, Segee, Shadd, Shadd: The Life and Times of Mary Shadd Cary, Shirley Graham, Short, Shreve, Simcoe County Ontario Canada, Simms, Simon and Schuster, Smith, Sod House Memories: A Treasury of Soddy Stories, Sojourners, South Africa, South Africa: Implications for US Policy - A Congressional Conference, South Buxton First Baptist Church, Southern Africa, Sovenier Program: 65th Anniversary of Union United Church, St. Catharines Ontario Canada, Standard Press, Steele, Stephen Vincent Benet, Stewart Tabori and Chang, Sumner Press, Survivors, Susan Watson, Syracuse New York, Syracuse University Press, Talk a Walk in Their Shoes, Talk That Talk: An Anthology of African American Storytelling, Talking About Difference: Encounters in Culture Language and Identity, Thames Arts Centre, That Lonesome Road, That New Baby: An Open Family Book for Parents and Children Together, The AfriCanadian Church: A Stabilizer, The American Negro: A History in Biography and Pictures, The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman, The Banks Legacy: The Chronicles of a Free Negro Family, The Beginnings of Black Nationalism, The Birth of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, The Birthplace of Our Conference: Souvenier Edition, The Black Battalion 1916-1920 Canada's Best Kept Military Secret, The Black Canadians: Their History and Contributions, The Black Experience, The Black Experience in America: Selected Essays, The Black Loyalists: The Search for a Promised Land in Nova Scotia and Sierra Leone 1782-1870, The Black Oklahomans: A History, The Black Presence in the Canadian Mosaic, The Blacks of Niagara Falls 1850-1989, The Canadian Journal of Canadian Conservation Institute, The Clash of Colour: A Study in the Problem of Race, The Crisis: A Record of the Darker Races, The Danbury Press, The Dipper Stick: A History of Drainage in Kent County Ontario, The Everton Publishers, The Frank Slide Story, The Freedman's Story, The Genealogical Helper: Dedicated to Helping People Find More Genealogy, The Glenn Carrington Collection, The Guarantee-P.W. Chavers; Banker Entrepreneur Philanthropist in Chicago's Black Belt of the Twenties, The History of the Negro in Medicine, The International Year of the Child, The John Day Company, The Leary-Evans: Ohio's Free People of Colour, The Life of Josiah Henson Formerly a Slave, The Longman Group Limited, The Magic of Black Poetry, The Mercury Press, The Model Negro Colony in Kent County, The Modern Library, The Museum of African American History, The National Film Board of Canada, The Negro in Music and Art, The Negro Since Emancipation, The Negro Traveler's Green Book, The New Buxton Experiment, The New Buxton Experiment Internats Project, The North American Black Historical Museum Celebrates the 150th Anniversary of the Abolition of Slavery Act and Ontario's Bicentennial, The Ontario Register, The Ploughboy and the Nightingale, The Progress of a Race and Select Poems, The Road that Led to Somewhere: A Documented Novel About the Underground Railroad, The Saalfield Publishing Company, The Scarecrow Press, The Social Implications of Early Negro Music in the United States, The Sporting News, The Sporting News: Fifty-Second Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies Annual Program, The Storied Land: Discovering the Heroes Villans Myths and Legends that Shape the Nation, The Story of Mary Ann Shadd, The Town that Started the Civil War, The Trackless Trail: The Story of the Underground Railroad in Kennett Square Chester County Pennsylvania and the Surrounding Community, The Underground Railroad, The Valley of the Lower Thames 1640-1850, Thelma Quinn Smith, Theodore Canot, There is a River: The Black Struggle for Freedom in America, They Chose Greatness: Women Who Shaped America and the World, They Stopped in Oberlin: Black Residents and Visitors of the Nineteenth Century, Thomas, Thomas B. Wilson, Timbers, Time Magazine, Timothy Ryan, Toronto Ontario Canada, Touchstone, Toyer, Traveling by the Book, Travis, Tyler, Umbrella Press, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Underground Railroad, Underground Railroad: Special Resource Study/Management Concepts, United Methodist Church, United Methodist Church Women's Division, United States Department of the Interior, United States National Park Service, University of Chicago, University of Chicago Press, University of Missouri Press, University of Toronto, University of Toronto Press, University of Western Ontario, University of Windsor, Up from Slavery, Uprooting a Nation: The Study of 3 Million Evictions in South Africa, Utah, Vancouver British Columbia Canada, Vancouver Centre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction, Vancouver Centre for the Study of Curriculum and Instruction Faculty of Education, Vantage Press, Velma Carter, Venture for Freedom, Vera Cudjoe, Victor Lauriston, Victor Ullman, Vincent, Vincent Harding, Virgin Islands, Virginia Governor, Virginia Kroll, Vivian Robbins, Vivienne Tallal Winterry, Vladimir Klima, Voices of the Past: A History of Melfort and District, Walker, Wallaceburg Ontario Canada, Walter Shapiro, Warren Chappell, Washington D.C., Watertown, Watts, Webb, Website, Weekly Reader Books, Wendy Lee Barry, Western Producer, White, Wilhelmena S. Robinson, William E. Bigglestone, William H. Jackson, William King, William King Letters, William King: Friend and Champion of the Slaves, William Loren Katz, William Moyers, William N.T. Wylie, William Parker, William Roger WItherspoon, William Still, Wilson, Wilson A. Head, Windsor Ontario Canada, Windsorite Reunion Fellowship Banquet Honoree Presentation, Women of Our Times, Women of Vision: The Story of the Canadian Negro Women's Association 1951-1976, Wood-Hoopoe Willie, World's Great Men of Color 3000 BC to 1946 AD, Wright and Potter Printers, Wright-Armstead Associates, Yonkers, Zebbs