Browse Items (3233 total)
Information Service
Tags: 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Abraham Lincoln, Adam C. Powell, Address to Congress, Adolph Hitler, Adult Education, African Americans, American Civil War, American Friends Service Committee, American Institute of Public Opinion, American Jewish Congress, Anti-Jim Crow, Association of Council Secretaries, Baltimore Maryland, Barry Goldwater, Bedroom Community, Benson Y. Landis, Berlin Germany, Birmingham Alabama, Black Muslims, Boycott, Brotherhood, Bureau of Research and Survey, But Not Next Door, Buying Power, C. Arild Olsen, Capitol Hill, Catholic Archdiocese of Boston, Chicago Illinois, Church of Jesus Christ, Civic Action, Civil Rights, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights and Job Opportunities Address to Congress, Civil Rights and Racial Justice, Civil Rights and Racial Justice Resolution, Civil Rights Commissions, Community Relations, Community Relations Service, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Congressional Address, Controlled Occupancy Policy, Cook County Illinois, Cuban Missile Crisis, Daisy Bates, David H. Rosen, David McKay Company Inc., De Facto Segregation, De Jure Segregation, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Park District, Democratic Party, Demonstrations, Desegregation, Domestic Tranquility, Economic Efficiency, Ecumenical Leadership, Elijah Muhammad, Emancipation Proclamation, Emanuel Celler, Equal Access, Equal Accommodations, Equal Accommodations in Public Facilities, Equal Job Opportunities, Equal Protection of the Law, Equality, Equality of Opportunity, Eugene Carson Blake, Fair Employment Regulations, Federal Aid, Federal Assistance Programs, Federal Employment Programs, Federal Fair Employment Practices Law, Federal Government, Filibuster, Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection Clause United States Constitution, Francis J. Lally, Gallup Poll, George Gallup, Georgia, Gwynn Oak Amusement Park, Harry M. Rosen, Highland Park Illinois, House Resolution 7152, Housing Integration, Housing Segregation, Human Relations Organizations, Human Rights, I Have a Dream Speech, Inevitability of Integration, Information Service, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, James H. Price, Jesus Christ, Jim Crow Laws, Joachim Prinz, John F. Kennedy, Judaism, Ku Klux Klan, Lake County Illinois, Lake Forest Illinois, Land Condemnation, Letter from Birmingham Jail, Lincoln Memorial, Little Rock Arkansas, Little Rock Nine, Louis Harris, Lyndon B. Johnson, Marches, Martin Luther King Jr., Mass Protests, Michael J. Mansfield, Mississippi, Modern Community Developers Inc., Montana, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Council of Churches, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America General Board, Nazism, Nelson Rockerfeller, New York, New York City New York, New York Times, Newsletter, Newsweek, Non-Violence, Northern Bigotry, Northern Patterns of Residence, Order v. Justice, Orthodox Churches, Park Referendum, Paul V. Berggren, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Princeton New Jersey, Progress Development Corporation, Protestantism, Protests, Public Institutions of Higher Learning, Public Opinion News Service, Public School Boards, Race Relations, Racial Discrimination, Racial Equality, Racial Problems, Racial Stereotypes, Racial Strife, Religious Racial Discrimination, Religious Response to the Deerfield Integration Case, Republican Party, Rochester New York, Roman Catholic Bishops of the United States, Roman Catholic Church, Russia, School Integration, School Segregation, Senate Bill 1731, Separate But Equal Doctrine, Separatist Doctrine, Sit-Ins, Social Justice, Store Boycott, Store Picketing, Suburbanization, The Long Shadow of Little Rock, The Pilot, The United States and Its Churches, United Church of Christ, United Church of Christ Board for Homeland Ministries, United Church of Christ Board for Homeland Ministries Board of Directors, United Presbyterian Churches, United States Attorney General, United States Congress, United States Equal Employment Opportunity Committee, United States Federal District Court System, United States Federal Government Executive Branch, United States Federal Government Judicial Branch, United States House of Representatives, United States House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, United States House Representative, United States of America, United States Religion and Race Commission, United States Senate, United States Senator, United States Supreme Court, Urbanization, Washington D.C., Washington D.C. Police Department, Washington Office of the National Council of Churches, Washington Post, White Casualties, White Citizens' Councils, White Majority, William Brink, Williams Bay Wisconsin, Willingness to Go to Jail for the Cause, World Council of Churches, World Council of Churches Central Committee, World Diplomacy
Compilation of Letters -- Responses to the Burnettes
Tags: African Methodist Episcopal Church, American Musical History, Americana, Archibald James Carey Jr., Arthur G. Falls, Associated Negro Press, Blackface Minstrel Show, Brotherhood Month, Catholic Interracial Council, Chicago Illinois, Chicago Urban League, Claude A. Barnett, Compilation, Copy, Cora C. Burnette, Deerfield Illinois, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Fred Waring, Government Employment Policies Committee, Harold E. Fey, Intergroup Relations, Letter, Lillian Falls, Lloyd Davis, Mary A. Ferre, N.O. Calloway, National Congress of Parents and Teachers, New York City New York, Oregon State Educational Journal, Parent Teacher Association, Provident Hospital, Quinn Chapel, Racial Caricatures, Racial Stereotypes, Ralph J. Bunche, Stereotypes, The Christian Century, United Nations, Wells D. Burnette, Wilmot School
Buxton Historic Site and Museum: Index of Surnames
Tags: Adams, Alexander, Allen, Alycnthia, Amealyte, Anderson, Annie, Arlie, Baker, Balck, Banks, Bannister, Bass, Baylis, Bayliss, Bazey, Beatrice, Beckwith, Beddoes, Bennet, Benton, Bessie, Bias, Bissel, Black, Blackshear, Blainey, Bogess, Boswell, Bowles, Boyd, Bridget, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Butler, Buxton Historic Site and Museum, Carey, Caroline, Carrie, Casey, Cerise, Chandler, Chapman, Charlotte, Chase, Cheatam, Clark, Colley, Cratchfield, Crawford, Crawley, Crosby, Crowley, Cuazy, Curtis, Cynthia, Daphine, Davis, Defreitas, Denise, Dennis, Dolman, Drye, Duckett, Dudley, Duncan, Dungy, Dyke, Edith, Edward, Edwards, Elisha, Eliza, Elizabeth, Ellen, Ellory, Ernie, Evans, Families, Fanny, Fern, Fields, Fisher, Foster, Frances, Fred, Freeman, French, Garel, Garrel, George, Gields, Girley, Givens, Glendora, Graham, Grasty, Gregory, Griffith, Grinage, Gross, Hallums, Hancock, Handsor, Handwritten Notes, Harding, Hardy, Harris, Hatter, Helm, Henson, Highgate, Hoffman, Hooper, Hutchison, Jackson, James, Jane, Janebissel, Jillian, John, Johnson, Jones, Jr., Kersey, King, Knight, Ladd, Lambkin, Land, Levia, Lewis, Lily, Madley, Margaret, Margo, Marilyn, Marion, Marshall, Martha, Mary, Matilda, May, McCarthur, McClendon, McKeithen, McPherson, Melancy, Melvin, Meman, Michelle, Millben, Moore, Morgan, Motley, Newby, Nina, Not Found, Pat, Patterson, Pierce, Poindexter, Poole, Prince, Rann, Rayburn, Redmond, Renmond, Richardson, Richarsdon, Riddle, Robbins, Robert Robinson, Roby, Roller, Roper, Ruffin, Salters, Samuel, Sarah, Saroea, Saundra, Scott, Segee, Selcage, Shadd, Shepley, Shreve, Sidney, Simmons, Simms, Simpson, Smith, Snead, Soloman, Solomon, Starks, Starr, Stockton, Surname Index, Talbot, Taylor, Thomas, Thompson, Thomson, Timbers, Travis, Tudor, Tyler, Unknown, Vaden, Venice, Vincent, Violet, Virginia, Wade, Walker, Wallace, Walter, Watts, Webb, White, Wiggins, William, Williams, Willie, Wilson, Wright, Yates, Yolanda, Yott, Zebbs
Buxton National Historic Site and Museum: Introduction to Elgin
Tags: Abraham Johnston, Africa, Alabama, Alfred Lafferty, American Civil War, Anderson Abbott, Benjamin Drew, Blacksmith, British Methodist Episcopal Church, British Parliament, Buxton National Historic Site and Museum, Buxton Settlement Canada, Canada, Canada Home Mission Committee, Canada West, Canadian Organized Black Settlements, Carpenter, Chatham Literary and Debating Society, Chatham Medical Society, Chatham Ontario Canada, Christiana Riots, Clarissa Bristow Johnston, Dr. Augusta, Earl of Buxton, Elgin Association, Elgin School, Elgin Settlement Canada, Emancipation Act of 1833, Factories, Fathers of Confederation, George Brow, Glasgow University, Greek, Harriet Beecher Stoew, Henry Johnson, Hotel, Ireland, Isaac Riley, James Rapier, Jerome Riley, John Rennie, Kent County Coroner, King's School, Knox College, Lake Erie, Louisiana, Mary Ann Casey, Mary Ann Shadd, Mary Phares, Matthew's Academy, Missionary Messenger, Mississippi, Mississippi Most Worshipful Stringer Grand Lodge, North America, North Buxton Ontario Canada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Perry Counti Missouri, Presbyterian Church of Scotland, Presbyterian Church Synod, Printout, Raleigh E.A. Richardson BME Church, Richard Johnson, Savings Bank, Shoe Shops, Slavery, South Jackson Louisiana, Southwestern Ontario, Southwestern Ontario Black History, Thomas Foxwell Buxton, Thomas Stringer, Toronto Ontario Canada, United States Army, United States of America, University of Toronto, Upper Canada Medical Board, Washington, Washington Hospital, Webpage, Wilberforce Educational Institute, William King
6th Annual Deerfield Music Festival
Tags: Bannockburn School, Beethoven-Woodhouse, Carter, Century Records, Deerfield Area School Combined Chorus, Deerfield Area Schools Combined Bands, Deerfield Area Schools Combined Orchestra, Deerfield High School, Deerfield Music Festival, Ever Onward, Finale from Fifth Symphony, Goldman-Lake, Hairston, Handel, Hello Dolly, Herman, High Fidelity, Highlights from the Boys from Syracuse, Hill and DeRose, La CUmparsita, Miss Rynot, Mr. Kyle, Mr. Neundorf, Mr. Priester, Mr. Washburn, Mrs. Card, Mrs. Hardacre, Mrs. Simmons, On the Mall, Overture from Kismet, Poor Man Lazrus, Prospect Height Illinois, Rodriguez-Walters, Rogers Hart Yoder, Saugus California, Symphonic Overture, Thanks Be to Thee, Wagon Wheels, Williams, Wilmot School, Wrighton and Forrest
Letter from Olivia Chen to Cindy Wargo
Tags: Against Wind and Tide, Andreas, Benjamin Quarles, Bessie Louise Pierce, Black Abolitionists, Black Freedom, Carleton Mabee, Chicago Historical Society, Chicago Historical Society Card Catalog, Chicago Historical Society Database Catalog, Chicago Historical Society Newspaper Clipping Collection, Chicago Illinois, Cindy Wargo, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Public Library, History of Chicago, Lyman Wilmot, Martin Duberman, Olivia Chen, Still's Underground Rail Road Records, The Slavery Vanguard, The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom, Walter M. Merrill, Wilbur H. Siebert, William Still
Integration Once Issue in Deerfield
Tags: Civil Rights, Communism, Deerfield American Legion Hall, Deerfield Building Code, Deerfield Building Commissioner, Deerfield Building Inspector, Deerfield Grammar School, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Life, Deerfield Park District, Deerfield Park District Board of Directors, Deerfield Road, Deerfield Road Underpass, Deerfield Village Board of Trustees, Deerfield Village Board of Trustees President, Deerfield Village Meetings, Doc's Exchange, E.D. Bleimehl, Floral Park Model Homes, Floral Park Subdivision, Harold C. Lewis, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, Integration Poll, J. Robert York, Jack D. Parker, James R. Kilgore, Joseph Samuel Perry, Joseph W. Koss, Land Condemnation, Milwaukee Railroad, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Newspaper Article, Norris W. Stilphen, North Shore Residents Association, Open Occupancy Housing Ordinances, Park Referendum, Paula Cline, Progress Development Corporation, Property Values, Protestantism, Quakers, Robert E. Bowen, Roman Catholic Church, St. Gregory Episcopal Church, Synagogues, Unitarian Church, United States Constitutional Rights, West Deerfield Township Library, West Deerfield Township Library Board of Directors
John H. Conolly to Robert C. Gand
Tags: 31st District Lake County, Governmental Economy Committee, House Bill 755 -- Fair Housing Practices Bill, Housing Integration, Housing Segregation, Illinois House of Representatives Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulations Committee, Illinois House of Representatives Personnel and Pensions Committee, Industrial and Labor Relations Committee, John H. Conolly, Lake County Illinois, llinois General Assembly, Waterways Conservation Fish and Game Committee
Board Meeting Minutes -- March 11, 1970
Tags: Allen L. Root, Charles Cedarholm, Deerfield Planning Commission, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Board of Directors, Deerfield Public Library Initial Building Project, Eleanor T. Dawe, Frank Foster, Howard E. Kane, Howard W. Voss and Associates, Mary G. Mazur, Mary Suzanne Whetstone, Public Hearing on Conditional Use, Richard V. Houpt, Thomas E. Parfitt, Wendt Cedarholm and Tippens
Board Meeting Minutes -- May 13, 1970
Tags: Allen L. Root, Charles Cedarholm, Deerfield Area Historical Society, Deerfield Commons, Deerfield Garden Club, Deerfield Public Library, Deerfield Public Library Appropriations and Levy, Deerfield Public Library Board of Directors, Deerfield Public Library Initial Building Project, Deerfield Women's Club, Eleanor T. Dawe, Friends of the Deerfield Public Library, Illinois State Library, Journal Court, Kappa Alpha Theta Sorority, Mary Suzanne Whetstone, Oak Lawn Public Library, Patricia C. Horne, Paul C. Box, Renee Kaplan, Thomas E. Parfitt, Waukegan Road, Xi Delta Phi Sorority