A Continental Abolitionism?
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A Continental Abolitionism?
The Blacks in Canada: A History
Photocopy of a chapter from The Blacks in Canada entitled "A Continental Abolitionism?" with some highlighting.
Winks, Robin W.
Yale University Press
1851 Canadian Census, 1861 Canadian Census, A Flight Across Ohio: The Escape of William Wells Brown from Slavery, A Narrative of the Adventures and Escapes of Moses Roper from American Slavery, A Quaker Pioneer: Laura Haviland Superintendent of the Underground, A Sabbath Among the Runaway Negroes at Niagara, A Sacred Animosity: Abolitionism in Canada, A Short History of the American Negro, A Woman's Life Work, Abolitionism, Abolitionist Movement, Abolitionist Press, Abolitionists, Abram Pryne, Africa, African American Churches, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, Albany New York, Along the Talbot Road, Alvin McCudy, Amelia Harris, American Anti-Slavery Society, American Baptist Free Mission Society, American Civil War, American Philosophical Society, American Revolution, Americanborn Canadians, Amherstburg Ontario Canada, Anderson Extradition Case, Anglo American Anti-Slavery Movement, Anti-Slavery Reporter, Anti-Slavery Society of Canada, Antonio Nicholas, Aptheker, Archibald Bremner, Arrow, Arthur Huff Fauset, Ashtabula Ohio, Auburn New York, Augustus Diamond, Austin Steward, Authentic Narratives, Autobiography, Baltimore Sun, Baptist Church, Benjamin Brawley, Benjamin Drew, Bond and Free: or, Booker T. Washington, Boston Atlas, Boston Massachusetts, Brantford Expositor, Brantford Ontario Canada, British Mission Boards, British North America, British Provinces, Brown of the Globe, Buffalo New York, Burwell Ontario Canada, C. Lightfoot Roman, Cambridge Massachusetts, Canada, Canada East, Canada Nova Scotia New Brunswick and the Other British Provinces in North America with a Plan of National Colonization, Canada West, Canada's Part in Freeing the Slave, Canadian Antislavery Organizations, Canadian Antislavery Societies, Canadian Censuses, Canadian Liberty Political Party, Canadian Racial Prejudice, Canadian Racism, Canadian Segregation, Cape Vincent New York, Carter G. Woodson, Charles Sumner, Chatham Ontario Canada, Chatham Steamer, Christian Union Church, Cincinnati Ohio, City of London Ontario Canada: The Pioneer Period and the London of Today, Cleveland Ohio, Cobourg Ontario Canada, Collingwood Ontario Canada, Colonial Church and School Society, Columbia University, Columbia University Gay Papers, Communal Settlements, Congregational Church, Creighton, Cronym, D.N. Haskell, Dawn, Detroit Historical Society, Detroit Historical Society Bulletin, Detroit Michigan, Dictionary of American Biography, Dr. Howe, Dresden Ontario Canada, Drew, Earl Conrad, Early History of Shrewsbury, Edith C. Firth, Edwin C. Giullet, Edwin Larwill, Elgin, Elijah Leonard, Ephraim Evans, ETc., Excelsior, Folklord of Lunenburg County Nova Scotia, Folklore from Nova Scotia, Folklore from the Half-Breeds in Nova Scotia, Foreign Service Post Records, Fort Erie, Fort Malden Ontario Canada, Foul Language, Francis Waring, Fred Landon, Frederick Douglass, Free African Americans, Freedom's Journal, French, From Dixie to Canada: Romance and Reality of the Underground Railroad, Fugitive African Americans, Fugitive Slave Act, Fugitive Slave Narratives, Fugitive Slaves, Fugitive Slaves in London Ontario Before 1860, Galt Ontario Canada, Gara, Gargoyles and Gentlemen: A History of St. Paul's Cathedral London Ontario, Garrison Liberator, George Brown, Goodbye to Uncle Tom, Gordon Brown, Gordon Sellar, Grand Rapids Michigan, Halifax Nova Scotia, Hamilton Canadian Illustrated News, Hamilton Ontario Canada, Harriet Tubman, Harriet Tubman Memorial Home, Harriet Tubman: The Moses of Her People, Harvard University, Harvard University Houghton Library, Harvard University Houghton Library Siebert Papers, Haviland, Helen Creighton, Henry Bibb, Henry Clay, Henson, Herbert Aptheker, Hiram Wilson, Historical Statistics of Canada, Homer Uri Johnson, Hungary, Huron Institute, Huron Institute Papers and Records, Illinois, Immigration, Indiana, Indianapolis Indiana, Irish Settlers, Isaac Rice, Isabella Brown Henning, Israel Campbell, J.C. Furnas, J.M.S. Careless, J.T. Briggs, J.W. Keith, J.W. Loguen, Jamaica, James Egert Allen, James G. Birney, James Silk Buckingham, Jane H. Pease, Jermain W. Loguen, Jerry Rescue, John Atkins, John Atkinson, John Browne Russwurm, John Nettleton, John P. Jewett, John Roaf, John Scoble, Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada, Journal of the House of Assembly of Upper Canada Inspector's Reports Appendixes, Journal of the International Folk Music Council, Journal of the Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, Journals of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada, Junius, K.A.H. Buckley, Kenneth M. Stampp, Kentiana, Kentucky, Kingston Ontario Canada, Kingston Penitentiary, Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Larry Gara, Larwill Election Campaign, Laura Haviland, Letters, Letters Largely Personal and Private, Levi Coffin: The Friend of the Slave, Lewis Clarke, Lewiston New York, Lexington Kentucky, Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Liquor Law, Loguen, London and Middlesex Historical Society, London England, London Free Press, London Ontario Canada, London Times, Long Point, Lucretia Coffin Mott, Lunenburg County Nova Scotia, M.A. Garland, M.C. Urquhart, Maritime Provinces, Martha Coffin Wright, Martin Duberman, Methodist Church, Mid-America, Mildred E. Danforth, Missionary Groups, Mitchell, Montreal Gazette, Montreal Star, Moses Roper, Narrative, Narrative of the Sufferings of Lewis Clarke, National Anti-Slavery Standard, National Museum of Canada, National Museum of Canada Bulletin No. 117, Native Americans, Negro in Literature, Negro Order of Odd Fellows, New Hampshire, New Kentucky Ontario Canada, New Orleans Commerical Bulletin, New York, New York City New York, New York Tribune, New York Weekly Tribune, Niagara District Canada, Niagara Falls Ontario Canada, Niagara Suspension Bridge, Niger Valley Exploring Party, Norfolk Virginia, North-Side View of Slavery, Northern Border Cities, Northern Prejudices, Northern Racism, Northwest Ohio Historical Quarterly, Nova Scotia Canada, O.K. Watson, Oakville Ontario Canada, Oakville Weekly Sun, Oberlin Ohio, Ogdensburg New York, Ohio, Ohio State Historical Society, Ohio State Historical Society Siebert Papers, Oil Springs Ontario Canada, Ontario Historical Society, Ontario Historical Society Papers and Records, Orlo Miller, Orwell Ohio, Oswego New York, Ottawa Canada, Ottawa Citizen, Ought American Slavery to be Perpetuated?, Over Lake Erie to Freedom, Owen Sound Comet, Oxford Rhodes House Anti-Slavery Papers, Paternalism, Patsey Williams, Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, Pennsylvania History, Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Pennsylvania State Historical Society, Peter Brown, Petrolia Ontario Canada, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Point Pelee Canada, Port Ontario New York, Prince, Princeton New Jersey, Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, Propaganda Use of the Underground Railway, Public Opinion, Puce River, Quakers, Queen Victoria, R.W. Fraser, Record of Facts, Reports of Penitentiary Inpectors, Robert Sellar, Robert Wilson, Robin W. Winks, Rochester New York, Romantic Kent, Roper, Rowan Ontario Canada, Royal Society of Canada, Royal Society of Canada Proceedings and Transactions, Samuel Cornish, Samuel Ringgold Ward, Sandusky Ohio, Sarah Bradford, Saratoga Springs New York, Sarnia Observer, School Records, School Societies, Separate Schools, Shrewsbury Ontario Canada, Sierra Leone, Slave States, Smith College, Smith College Sophia Smith Collection, Some Frontier and American Influences in Upper Canada, Some Items of Negro-Canadian Folk-Lore, Songs from Nova Scotia, Sons of Uriah, Sophia Smith, Southern Slave Songs, St. Catharines A to Z, St. Catharines and Lincoln Historical Society, St. Catharines Journal, St. Catharines Ontario Canada, St. Lawrence River, St. Paul's Cathedral, Stanley Ontario Canada, Steamers, Story of the Negro, Stratford Beacon, Syracuse New York, Syracuse Public Library, Syracuse University, Syracuse University Gerrit Smith Miller Papers, Systematic Prejudice, Talbot Ontario Canada, Tax Records, Temperance Convention, Tennessee, Text. of Rev. Wm. Harrison's Sermon at Baptist Church Amherstburg, The Anti-Slavery Vanguard: New Essays on the Abolitionists, The Antislavery Argument, The Barbarism of Slavery, The Blacks in Canada: A History, The Boston Committee in Canada, The Friend of Man, The Fugitive Slave Law and the Detroit River Frontier, The Honorable Elijah Leonard: A Memoir, The Journal of American Folk-Lore, The Liberty Line: The Legend of the Underground Railroad, The Negro in New York, The Negro in the Abolitionist Movement, The Negro Migration to Canada after the Passing of the Fugitive Slave Act, The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Quarterly, The Peculiar Institution: Slavery in the Ante-Bellum South, The Provincial Freeman, The Rev. J.W. Loguen as a Slave and as a Freeman, The Story of the Negro: The Rise of the Race from Slavery, The Town of York 1815-1834: A Further Collection of Documents of Early Toronto, The Underground Rail Road: A Record of Facts, The Underground Railroad, The Underground Railroad from Slavery to Freedom, The Underground Railroad: Legend or Reality?, The Voice of the Fugitive, The Works of Charles Sumner, Things As They Are in America, Thomas Henning, Thomas Nye, Toledo Ohio, Toronto from Trading Post to Great City, Toronto Globe, Toronto Jail, Toronto News of the Week, Toronto Ontario Canada, True Makers of Canada: The Narrative of Gordon Sellar who Emigrated to Canada in 1825, Tubman, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Underground Railroad, Underground Railroad Superintendent, Utica New York, Vienna Austria, Voice of the Fugitive, Voting Records, W.G. Grownlow, W.H. Withrow, W.J. Wintemberg, W.M.G., Ward, Washington, Wesleyan Methodist Church, West Indies, Whiskey, White Immigration, Wilbur H. Siebert, William Edward Farrison, William H. Allison, WIlliam H. Pease, William Harrison, William L. Marcy, William M. Mitchell, William Still, William Still and the Underground Railroad, William Wells Brown, William Wilberforce, Windsor Anti-Slavery Society, Windsor Herad, Windsor Herald, Windsor Ontario Canada, Yearnings for Freedom
Winks, Robin W., “A Continental Abolitionism?,” DPL Digital Collections, accessed January 11, 2025, https://archives.deerfieldlibrary.org/items/show/2107.