Browse Items (3233 total)
They Said: 'Keep Out'
Tags: Adrien L. Ringuette, Alan B. Shepard School, Book Review, Brotherhood, But Not Next Door, Chicago Area Suburbs, Chicago Illinois, Controlled Occupancy Policy, Copy, Court Case Documents, David H. Rosen, Deerfield Citizens for Human Rights, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Park District, Deerfield Park District Board of Directors, Episcopal Church, Harold C. Lewis, Harry M. Rosen, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, Ivan Obolensky Inc., Jack D. Parker, Keith Wheeler, Land Condemnation, Little Rock Arkansas, Modern Community Developers Inc., Morris Milgram, National Media Coverage, North Shore, Park Referendum, Peaceable Lane, Property Values, Property Values and Race, South Africa, Ted Poston, United States Federal District Court
Prejudice Moved In
Tags: Anti-Semitism, Book Review, But Not Next Door, Chicago Illinois, David H. Rosen, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Integration Lawsuits, Deerfield Park District, Harry M. Rosen, Housing Discrimination, Housing Integration, Housing Segregation, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, Jacob K. Javits, Jewish Community Centers, Judaism, Land Condemnation, Morris Milgram, New York, New York Times Book Review, Park Referendum, Racial Integration, Real Estate Agents, Residential Segregation, Social Workers, St. Louis Missouri, United States Federal District Court, Wayne Phillips
But Not Next Door Review Exerpts
Tags: Anti-Semitism, Book Review, Booklist, But Not Next Door, Chicago Area Suburbs, Chicago Illinois, Chicago Tribune, David H. Rosen, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Park District, H.B. Walker, Harry M. Rosen, Housing Integration, Human Relations, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, Ivan Obolensky Inc., Jacob K. Javits, Judaism, Kirkus, Land Condemnation, Lewiss Cannett, Library Journal, New York Herald Tribune Books, New York Times Book Review, Princeton New Jersey, Progress Development Corporation, R.A. Low, Racial Discrimination, Racial Integration, S.L. Simon, Saturday Review, United States Federal District Court, United States Supreme Court, Wayne Phillips
Not Next Door
Tags: A. Philip Randolph, Adlai E. Stevenson, Alabama, Birmingham Alabama, But Not Next Door, Chicago Area Suburbs, Civil Rights, Civil Rights Cases, Communism, Concord Park Subdivision, Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Integration Lawsuits, Deerfield Park District, Deerfield Village Board of Trustees, Department of Justice, Eminent Domain, Federally Sponsored Housing Integration, Federally Sponsored Housing Segregation, Greenbelt Knoll Subdivision, Greenwood Mississippi, Housing Integration, Illinois Supreme Court, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, James A. Wechsler, Jim Farmer, John F. Kennedy, Joseph L. Rauh Jr., Land Condemnation, Lower East Side New York City, Mississippi, Modern Community Developers Inc., Morris Milgram, Mortgages, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Urban League, New York City New York, New York Post, Newspaper Article, Newton N. Minow, North Shore, Paul H. Douglas, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Princeton New Jersey, Property Values, Property Values and Race, Racial Integration, Robert F. Kennedy, Roy Wilkins, Social Justice, Suburbanization, Suburbia, Trevose Pennsylvania, United States Supreme Court, W. Willard Wirtz, Whitney Young, Workers Defense League
Integrated Housing Discussed by Resident
Tags: Birmingham Alabama, Civil Rights, David H. Rosen, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Review, Deerfield Village Manager, Faith and Freedom Day, Housing Integration, Illinois Supreme Court, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, Jewett Park, John C. Kimball, Letter to the Editor, Little Rock Arkansas, National Council of Churches, Northern Segregation, Oxford Mississippi, School Integration, Suburban Integration, Suburbia, United States Supreme Court
Tags: Africa, Anti-Semitism, Arthur G. Falls, Arthur Shay, Atlanta Journal, B'nai Brith, Bedroom Community, Bernard Scotch, Beth Orr Synagogue, Birmingham Alabama, Briargate Country Club, Briarwood Golf Club, But Not Next Door, Charlotte Scotch, Chicago Illinois, Christianity, Civil Rights, Communism, Cuba, David H. Rosen, Deerfield American Legion Hall, Deerfield Building Commissioner, Deerfield Citizens Committee, Deerfield Citizens for Human Rights, Deerfield Demographics, Deerfield Grammar School, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Park District, Deerfield Park District Board of Directors, Deerfield Park District Superintendent, Deerfield Review, Deerfield School District #110, Deerfield Village Board of Trustees, Deerfield Village Manager, Deerfield Village Meetings, Deerfield Village Officials, Detroit Michigan, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elizabeth Dilling, Europe, Ford Edsel, Harold C. Lewis, Hate Literature, Highland Park High School, Housing Segregation, Individual Rights, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, Integration Poll, Jack D. Parker, Jackie Robinson, Jacob K. Javits, James A. Pike, Joseph G. Powell, Judaism, Justice, Juvenile Delinquency, Little Rock Arkansas, Little Rock of the North, Martin Luther King Jr., Mississippi, Modern Community Developers Inc., Morris Milgram, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Norris W. Stilphen, North Shore Residents Association, Open Occupancy Housing, Oscar Hammerstein II, Overt Racism, Oxford Mississippi, Parent Teacher Association, Park Referendum, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Philip M. Klutznick, Princeton New Jersey, Progress Development Corporation, Property Values, Protestantism, Provident Hospital, Quakers, Race Relations, Racial Discrimination, Racial Equality, Racial Segregation, Real Estate Agents, Red Hand Over Deerfield, Religious Response to the Deerfield Integration Case, Republican Party, Robert C. Weaver, Roman Catholic Church, Russia, Sedokah, Social Fabric of the Community, Social Justice, Soviet Union (USSR), Speeches, Synagogues, Temporary Injunction, The Massive Wallop, Theodor P. Repsholdt, Unitarian Church, United States Federal District Court, Vandalism, West Deerfield Township Library, White Citizens Councils, World War II
Temple Congregation Speech
Tags: Africa, Anti-Semitism, Arthur G. Falls, Arthur Shay, Atlanta Journal, B'nai Brith, Bedroom Community, Bernard Scotch, Briargate Country Club, Briarwood Golf Club, Brotherhood, Brown v. Board of Education, But Not Next Door, Charlotte Scotch, Chicago Area Suburbs, Chicago Illinois, Clinton Tennessee, Communism, Controlled Occupancy Policy, Cuba, David H. Rosen, Deerfield American Legion Hall, Deerfield Building Code, Deerfield Building Commissioner, Deerfield Citizens Committee, Deerfield Citizens for Human Rights, Deerfield Demographics, Deerfield Grammar School, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Park District, Deerfield Park District Board of Directors, Deerfield Park District Superintendent, Deerfield Review, Deerfield School District #109, Deerfield School District #110, Deerfield Village Board of Trustees, Deerfield Village Manager, Deerfield Village Meetings, Deerfield Village Officials, Deerfield Zoning Ordinances, Economic Motivations for Prejudice, Edwin C. Berry, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elizabeth Dilling, Europe, Federal Housing Administration (FHA), Floral Park Model Homes, Ford Edsel, Harold C. Lewis, Hate Literature, Highland Park High School, Housing Integration, Hungary, Individual Rights, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, Integration Poll, Jack D. Parker, Jackie Robinson, Jacob K. Javits, James A. Pike, James Baldwin, Janet Dash, Joseph G. Powell, Judaism, Juvenile Delinquency, Land Condemnation, Little Rock Arkansas, Little Rock of the North, Lorraine Ralph Stern, Louis Lomax, Martin Luther King Jr., Max Weinrib, Mississippi, Modern Community Developers Inc., Morris Milgram, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), National Urban League, Neighborhood Integration, New York Times, Norris W. Stilphen, North Shore, North Shore Residents Association, Oak Park Village Board of Trustees, Oscar Hammerstein II, Overt Racism, Oxford Mississippi, Parent Teacher Association, Park Referendum, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Philip M. Klutznick, Prejudice, Princeton New Jersey, Progress Development Corporation, Property Values, Protestantism, Quakers, Race Relations, Racial Discrimination, Racial Integration, Real Estate Agents, Red Hand Over Deerfield, Religious Response to the Deerfield Integration Case, Robert C. Weaver, Roman Catholic Church, Russell R. Bletzer, Russia, School Integration, School Segregation, Social Fabric of the Community, Social Justice, Sociologists, Speeches, Suburbia, Synagogue, Temporary Injunction, The Massive Wallop, Theodor P. Repsholdt, Unitarian Church, United States Federal District Court, United States Supreme Court, Vandalism, Waukegan Illinois, West Deerfield Township Library, White Citizens Councils, White Supremacy, Whitney Young, World War II
Speech to Deerfield Group
Tags: Africa, Atlanta Journal, Bedroom Community, Briargate Country Club, Brown v. Board of Education, But Not Next Door, Chicago Daily News, Chicago Illinois, Christianity, Clinton Tennessee, Communism, Community Forces, Community Structures, Controlled Occupancy Policy, Cross Burning, David H. Rosen, Deerfield American Legion Hall, Deerfield Building Code, Deerfield Citizens Committee, Deerfield Citizens for Human Rights, Deerfield Demographics, Deerfield Grammar School, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Integration, Deerfield Integration Lawsuits, Deerfield Park District, Deerfield Park District Board of Directors, Deerfield Village Board of Trustees, Deerfield Village Meetings, Deerfield Village Officials, Europe, Floral Park Model Homes, Greenwood Mississippi, Harold C. Lewis, Human Relations, Individual Citizen Responsibilities to the Community, Individual Rights, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, Integration Poll, Jack D. Parker, James Baldwin, Joseph G. Powell, Judaism, Lake Forest College, Little Rock Arkansas, Modern Community Developers Inc., New York Times, Norris W. Stilphen, North Shore Residents Association, Northwestern University, Overt Racism, Park Referendum, Paul Mundy, Progress Development Corporation, Property Values, Protestantism, Race Relations, Racial Integration, Racial Prejudice, Religious Reasoning for Segregation, Religious Response to the Deerfield Integration Case, Roman Catholic Church, Russia, School Consolidation, School Integration, School Segregation, Social Fabric of the Community, Social Justice, Social Research, Social Workers, Sociologists, Speeches, Student Groups, The Massive Wallop, United States Supreme Court, United States Supreme Court Chief Justice, University of Illinois, Vandalism, Waukegan News-Sun, White Citizens Councils, White Supremacy, Zoning Ordinances
Interview with 'Not Next Door' Author
Tags: Brandeis University, But Not Next Door, Chicago Illinois, Community Leaders, David H. Rosen, Deerfield Illinois, Deerfield Review, Deerfield School District #109 Board of Education, Deerfield School District #110 Board of Education, Highland Park Illinois, Human Relations, Human Relations Movement, Integrated Neighborhoods and Developments, Jewish Community Centers, Les Holtzblatt, New Jersey, Newspaper Article, Prejudice, Property Values, Racial Discrimination, Republican Party