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Joseph Monterastelli Obituary
Tags: Ascension Cemetery, Clara Monterastelli, Deerfield Review, Estate Gardener, Highland Park Hospital, Highland Park Illinois, Highwood Illinois, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Italy, Joseph Monterastelli, Mrs. Gena Morelli, Mrs. Gharles Passini, Mrs. Irvin Segrelet, Obituary, Raymond Monterastelli, Seguin Funeral Home, Waukegan Illinois
Joseph Loizzo Obituary
Tags: Aircraft Carrier, Atlantic Ocean, Coxswain, Deerfield Review, Joseph Loizzo, Leukemia, Minelaying School, Mrs. Vincent Loizzo, Naval Hospital, Obituary, Pacific Ocean, Portsmouth Virginia, Radio Technician, United States Navy, Vincent Loizzo, Virginia, World War II, World War II European Theatre, World War II Pacific Theatre
Joseph Kawczynski Obituary
Tags: Anthony Cermak, Antoinette Kawczynski, Chicago Illinois, Chicago Mayor, Deerfield Review, Edward Kawczynski, Edward Kleinschmidt, Highland Park Hospital, Highwood Illinois, Independent Order of Foresters, Independent Order of Foresters Liberty Lodge No. 3224, Independent Order of Foresters Liberty Lodge No. 3224 Officer, J.D. Gleeson, Joseph Kawczynski, Josephine Kawczynski Skipitis, Leon Kawczynski, Mayor Anthony Cermak Administration, Mrs. Edward Kleinschmidt, Obituary, Personal Advisor to the Mayor, Polish-American Matters, Politics, Resurrection Cemetery, Rose Kawczynski, St. James Catholic Church, St. Pancratius Church, Stella Kawczynski Polak
Joseph J. Peddle Obituary
Tags: Carol Peddle, Deerfield Review, Edward Peddle, Eugene Peddle, Henry Peddle, Highland Park Fuel Company, Highland Park Illinois, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, James Peddle, Joseph J. Peddle, Lake County Tuberculosis Sanatorium, Lake Forest Illinois, Lawrence Peddle, Libertyville Illinois, Monica Peddle, Mrs. Arthur Metzler, Mrs. Chester Flagg, Mrs. Earl Lempien, Mrs. Jim Jacobs, Mrs. Joseph Dunn, Obituary, Rodger Peddle, St. Mary's Cemetery, Stanley Peddle, Waukegan Illinois, Wilma Peddle
Joseph J. Berube Obituary
Tags: Cacouna Quebec Canada, Carpenter, Contractor, Deerfield Review, George A. Berube, Highland Park Chamber of Commerce, Highland Park COF, Highland Park Elks Lodge No. 1362, Highland Park Hospital, Highland Park Illinois, Highland Park Police Department, Hillside Illinois, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, James D. Berube, Joseph J. Berube, Jules Berube, Marie Berube Garling, Obituary, Rose Berube, Ruth Berube Westcott, W. Burton Berube