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Lachlaw A. Stewart Obituary
Tags: Clyde Stewart, Deerfield Review, First Methodist Church, Gladys Stewart, Glencoe Illinois, Highland Park Hospital, Highland Park Illinois, Illinois Bell Telephone Company, Illinois Bell Telephone Company Highland Park Exchange, Kelley and Spalding Funeral Home, Lachlaw A. Stewart, Lachlaw A. Stewart Jr., Memorial Park Cemetery, Merritt Stewart, Myrtle Stewart, Obituary, Wire Chief
L. Phillips Hungerford Obituary
Tags: Butterfield Country Club, Cairo Illinois, Chicago Association of Commerce, Chicago Illinois, Chicago Traffic Club, Clark Hungerford, Deerfield Review, Earline Hungerford, General Western Freight Agent, Greenville South Carolina, Heart Attack, Highland Park Illinois, Highland Park Presbyterian Church, Hinsdale Illinois, Homer Hungerford, L. Phillips Hungerford, Obituary, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Phillip Hungerford, Princeton University, Southern Railway System, St. Louis Missouri, Union League Club of Chicago
Kenneth S. Beall Obituary
Kellogg Patterson Obituary
Tags: Amy Patterson Scripps, Angela Lovett Patterson, Baltimore Maryland, Baltimore Sun, Barbara Patterson, Bruce Patterson, Chicago Illinois, Chicago Tribune, Cincinnati Ohio, Cincinnati Times-Star, Cincinnati Times-Star Western Manager, Deerfield Review, Frances Patterson Young, Heart Attack, Highland Park Illinois, Jacksonville Florida, Julian Patterson, Kellogg Patterson, Obituary, Paul Patterson, Promotional Work, Publicity Office, Republican Party, Rushville Illinois, Springfield Illinois, Trinity Episcopal Church, United States Senate, United States Senate Superintendent of Document
Katherine L. Krumback Ludwig Obituary
Tags: Burlington Wisconsin, Chicago Illinois, Deerfield Review, George Krumback, H.K. Platzer, Herman Ludwig, Highland Park Hospital, Highland Park Illinois, Katherine L. Krumback Ludwig, Kelley and Spalding Chapel, Mrs. William Mooney, North Shore Garden of Memories Cemetery, Obituary, Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, William Krumback
Katherine Barr Obituary
Tags: Catherine Barr Stevens, Chicago Illinois, Deerfield Review, Francis X. Barr, Henrietta Barr, Highland Park Illinois, Katherine Barr, Lawrence Barr, Long Beach California, Lyman Barr, Marcella Arkansas, Obituary, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Post and Sun, St. Luke's Hospital, Theodore Barr, Winnetka Illinois